17: The Boy Next Door

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"Wake up kids!" My mom yelled from the top of her lungs. Everyone groaned and got up. Today is the second day on this stupid trip and I already hate it. "We're going down to the beach. So everyone put on your swim wear."

I rolled my eyes and got out of bed. I did not want to go to the beach with all these people. I grabbed my suitcase and walked in the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and started changing into my bathing suite, which was a black bikini top and light blue shorts. I hate full bikinis because it's basically a freaking bra and underwear. I put on a dress over it and out on my white flip flops. I put my hair into a ponytail and walked out the bathroom.

I looked down at the groaned as I walked and I accidentally bumped into someone. And did I mention that our heads conked together...hard. "Ow!" I yelled, holding my head.

I looked up to see Michael holding his head also. I glared. "Watch where you're going." I told him.

"You bumped into me." He stated.

I growled in frustration before walking past him and into the bed room.


Before going to the beach, we stopped at one of those beach stores they have on every single freaking corner in California to get beach stuff. The grown ups got umbrellas and chairs. Carter got a boogie board, and Nick, Michael, and I got surf boards. Our family goes to Florida every summer, and we surf every time we go, so we know how to surf. As for Michael, I guess he knows how to surf too.

We bought all out stuff and got into the mini van. We rode to the beach. There weren't that many people there, just like fifteen other people.

We all got our stuff out the trunk and went on the beach. Michael's uncle started putting the beach umbrella in the sand. "Alright. The umbrellas all set. Now we can enjoy the b-" Michael's uncle stopped talking when the wind blew the umbrella out of the sand. The umbrella went flying and the bar of the umbrella hit a nearby lady in the head.

"Ah!" I screamed, holding her head. I started quietly snickering. I was the only one laughing. Everyone else had shocked looks on their faces.

"Oh my gosh!" My mom yelled, running over to the lady. "My umbrella!"

I started snickering even louder at how my mom wasn't even concerned about the lady. My mom grabbed the umbrella and brought it back. This time, hey stuck the umbrella in extra good.

"Alright kids, now you can go enjoy the beach." Michael's aunt told us. We grabbed our boards and went into the water. When I was in the water, I got on the board and started paddling. I saw a wave that I was about to ride and I was just about to jump on the board before someone interrupted me. "Alonzo."

"What!?" I yelled.

I rolled my eyes and watched Michael paddle over to me. When he was in front of me, he looked at me for a while. I glared at him. "What do you want?" I asked him impatiently.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for-"

I put my hands over my ears and closed my eyes. "La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la,..." I said as my hands were over my ears.

Michael grabbed my wrists and snatched them away from my ears. "Alonzo, I'm serious." I sighed as he continued. "I'm sorry about the whole diary thing, and I shouldn't have gone that far. It's just sometimes you piss me off."

I scoffed. "I piss you off? You piss me off."

"What?" Michael said in disbelief. "How do I piss you off?"

I put my index finger on my chin as if I were thinking. "Hm, let me think. For six years in elementary school, all you did was annoy me, and make fun of me."

"Well you broke into my house and destroyed my laptop." He argued.

"You broke into my house, tried to steal my diary, broke into my house again, trashed my room by throwing my underwear on the floor, destroyed my laptop, stole my diary, and read it in front of everyone." Michael went silent. "Yeah, that's what I thought."

"Listen, I'm sorry for all of that, seriously. But I'm still gonna call you by your last name..."

I glared at him and paddled away, but before I could go anywhere, Michael grabbed the board and pulled in back. I put a weird look on my face. "Do you accept the apology."

I waited for a little while before answering. "No."

I was about to paddle away again before Michael grabbed me by the wrist. "What?!" I yelled in an annoyed tone.

"Do you accept the apology?" He asked again.

I sighed. "Fine." I gave in. "But on one condition."

"And what is that?" He asked curiously.

I put my hands on his chest and pushed him, sending him backwards, slashing into the water. I smiled in victory. "Now I accept the apology." I said, paddling away.


"I miss you so much...no I miss you more...no I miss you more." I almost gagged at the sound of Nick flirting over to phone to his dumb girlfriend. She's literally dumb. I don't even know how she got to the 12th grade.

"Nick. Get off the phone. Now," My mom said through gritted teeth.

"Bye," Nick mumbled before hanging up and sticking his phone in his pocket.

We were all currently at this so called "fancy" restaurant, the food was actually quiet disgusting. I really didn't even know what I was eating. I stuck my fork in the food. "Mom. What am I eating?" I asked.

"It's pita chips and Baba ghanoush." My mom said with a smile on her face.

"What?" I asked with a confused look.

"Just eat it,"

"It's disgusting,"

My mom stared at me for a while, and I already knew what was coming. So I picked up a chip and started eating whatever the hell was on my plate.

I looked over to my left at Michael and I saw that he was texting someone on his phone. I saw that he was texting Dylan. I rolled my eyes and looked at him phone screen.

Dylan: Of course we used a condom.

I put a look of disgust on my face and turned to face my food again. I can't wait to leave this dumb trip.

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