5: The Boy Next Door

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"Mommy!! Daddy!! Nick!! Mel!!" I snapped out of bed due to Carters squeaky little voice screaming from downstairs. I sighed and walked downstairs, half asleep.

Everyone was now downstairs. "Carter, what is it sweetie?" My mom said, rubbing her eyes.

"Look outside the window!" We all went to the big window that was in the kitchen and opened the blinds. We all looked at the white flurries that were falling from the sky and the white ground.

Nick shrugged his shoulders. "It's snowing, so what? It snows all the time in Colorado."

"That means no school!" Carter yelled jumping up and down.

Well, that was a good sign. I didn't have to go to Red Valley High School, home of the assholes today.

I shrugged. "I'm going back to sleep then." I said, going upstairs to my room and slamming the door behind me. I was about to crawl back in my bed before I heard the sickening voice.


I sighed and walked to my window. I opened the curtains to look at Michael. He had a smirk on his face. "Come outside." He said.

"No." I said, closing the curtains.

"Alonzo!" I ignored him and walked back to my bed. I climbed in my bed and closed my eyes to go to sleep. Ah, yes, peace and quiet. Now I can go back to my beauty sleep and have a wonderful dream about Danny. Okay, that was creepy. "Alonzo!" My eyes snapped open and I groaned in frustration. I ignored it again. "Alonzo!"




"What?!" I yelled, getting out of bed and opening my curtains again.

"Come outside!"

Ughhh! What does the idiot want? I changed into a white shirt, a red, puffy coat, black jeans, and brown Ugg boots. I was disappointed that I was no longer in my comfy pajamas and I was now in these stupid winter clothes.

I walked downstairs and went out the front door. I was now in my front yard. I looked to the left to see Michael walking over to me. "Hey, Alonzo."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "How many fucking times do I have to tell you to stop calling me by my last name?" I spat.

Michael grinned. "How many fucking times is it gonna take you to figure out that I'm not gonna listen to you?"

"Why did you ask me to come out here?" I asked, ignoring his last comment.

"Well, Alonzo were-"

He stopped in the middle of his sentence when I ran over to him and tackled him on the ground. He fell into the snow and I started hitting him in the face. I grabbed some snow and started stuffing it in his mouth so that he started chocking and he couldn't talk. His nose started bleeding and I started hitting him in the face even more until I left a whole bunch of bruises and marks.

Yeah, like that actually happened.

I was imagining it though. I started laughing as I still imagined myself beating the crap out of him and stuffing snow in his mouth. "Why are you laughing."

"No reason." I said, snapping out of my imagination. "So, uh, why did you ask me to come out here?"

"Well, Alonzo," I rolled my eyes. "We're going to build a snowman."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "No." I simply said.

"Why not." He whined like he was a five year old.

"In case you have forgotten, I hate you." I mentioned.

"Yeah I know, and I hate you too. I'm glad we're on the same page." He smiled and I stared at him blankly. "But, I'm your neighbor now so I might as well make good use of it."

I guess that made some kind of sense. But I still didn't care. I didn't want to build a snowman with him. I didn't even wanna build a snowman by myself! What I wanted to do was go back to sleep and dream about Danny! Wow, I am sounding really desperate...

And worst of all, every time I think of building a snowman, I think of the song Do You Wanna Build A Snowman from the movie Frozen...and I HATE that movie.

"So get a carrot, a hat, and two buttons so we can build our snowman." Michael said.

"Whatever." I said, going back into my house to get the things Michael listed.

When I got all of the things, I walked back outside. When I was back outside, I just wished that someone would kill me right then and there. You know why? Because guess who decided to join us on our snowman project.

"Hey Mel." Dylan said with a devious smirk on his face.

"Somebody kill me." I muttered under my breath.

I walked over to Michael and Dylan and put the stuff down on the ground. A couple seconds later, we got started on the snowman. First we made a big huge ball of snow, then a medium size, then a small size. We stacked them up together.

We all patted the snow to get it all perfect and round. "My milkshake brings all the girls to the yard, and their like, it's better than yours, damn right, it's better than yours." Dylan started singing out of nowhere while we were patting down the snow. "I can tech you, but I have to cha-"

"Would you shut up!" I snapped.

"Someone's feisty this morning." He mumbled.

I rolled my eyes. "Maybe because I could've been up there sleeping and dreaming about D-" I stopped when I realized what I was about to say.

"Dreaming about who?" Michael asked.

"No one, I mean, nothing." I said, walking over to grab the buttons and the carrot from the ground.

"It's a boy it's it." Dylan said.

"No! Just forget it!"

"Okay, geez," Michael said. "...Alonzo."

I growled in frustration. I knew he wasn't gonna stop calling me by my last name, but it was still freaking annoying.

This is the reason why I've hated them all along. They are both annoying assholes! In kindergarten when I met them, all they did was bug me, and torture me, and say annoying stuff, and would never shut the hell up!

Now one of them lives down the street, and one of them lives right freaking next door!

I put the two buttons on as eyes and I stuck the carrot in the middle. Michael out the hat on top and we all stepped back to look at the snowman. It looked absolutely....awful.

"It's beautiful." Dylan said sniffing, and wiping a fake tear from his eye.

"We'll name him Scooter." Michael said.

"Scooter?" I scowled.


I shrugged my shoulders and went back inside my house. I walked up the stairs and went inside my room. I slammed the door and plopped on my bed.

I cannot wait until I leave for college...

Ok everyone, the book will start to get more interesting soon so just keep reading and vote and comment and be patient for interesting events, because I have to get a few starter chapters first. So thanks to everyone whose reading and please please please vote and comment. Thanks!

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