12: The Boy Next Door

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When I woke up this morning, I instantly wanted to conk myself over the head with a rock, so I could just die. You know why? Well there are several reasons as to why I hate today.

Reason #1: It's Monday

Reason #2: I have to go to Red Valley High School, home of the assholes

Reason #3: I have to help Michael with the stupid dance decorations today

Reason #4: started my "time of the month" today!

Reason #5: It's Monday (and yes, I am aware I said that twice)

So this is why I hate today. I lazily got out of my bed and walked to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I brushed my hair and put it up in a high pony tail. I walked back to my room and changed into a red long sleeved shirt, blue jeans, and I was gonna put on my converse, but there's no need, because I'm getting new ones anyway! So I just put on my brown combat boots instead.

I went downstairs and surprisingly, I smelt breakfast. When I went downstairs, I saw mom cooking bacon and toast. "Mom? You're cooking breakfast for once?"

My mom turned around to face me. "Are you sassing me?"

"Um, no, I was just-"

"Sit down and eat Mel!" I threw my hands up in defense and sat down across from Carter, who was eating like a pig.

I quickly ate my breakfast. When I was done, Carter and I began walking to school. I walked Carter to his elementary school, then walked to my school.

When I got there, I walked to my locker. I got my stuff and turned around to walk to my class. "Hey, Mel." I heard Justin's voice as he walked next to me.

"Hey Justin." I said. He sighed in disappointment. I looked at him. "What's wrong?" I asked him curiously.

"I'm upset that you won't let me say thunder cock anymore." He said.

I laughed. "It was annoying." I said. "Ow!" I yelled.

"What's wrong?"

I rolled my eyes. "Cramps..." I mumbled under my breath.

Justin snickered. "I'm glad I don't have to go through that." I looked at Justin and scowled at him. "I mean. I'm sorry for your girl pains." He said, patting me on the back.

The bell rang and I looked at Justin. "Whatever. I gotta go to class." We then separated and I went to chemistry class.

I sat next to Danny and smiled at him. "Hi." I said.

Danny smirked. "Hey. That was a cool party you had the other week."

I nodded. "Thanks." I began on the assignment that was on the board.


The sound of a horn honking for the a thousandth time rung in my ears and I groaned in annoyance. "Alonzo, get out here!" Michael yelled.

"I'm coming!" I yelled from the top of my lungs. I grabbed my jacket and headed downstairs. I grabbed on the door knob to the front door. "I'll be back in a little while mom!" I yelled.

"Okay!" My mom yelled back at me.

I exited my house and got into Michael's car. I felt kind of uncomfortable in his car. I kind of felt like he was gonna take me somewhere to kill me or something... But that only happens in the movies right? Right? "It took you long enough." He spat.

"It took you long enough." I quietly mocked him in an annoying voice.

"I heard that."

"Shut up and drive." I snapped. Hey! Song reference!

He started driving and the whole ride was silent, thankfully. Because I didn't want to spend the whole ride to his school hearing his annoying mouth.

When we got to his school, he parked his car and we got out. We went inside the school and inside the gym. "This dance will be in here." He stated.

"Yeah, I noticed."

"We just got here and your already spitting sarcastic comments?"

I glared at him for a while before he started talking. "Today we have to paint a stupid sign." He said. "It's supposed to say 'fuckery'" He smirked.

I scowled at him. "It is not."

He laughed. "I know... I just wanted to say it." He said, grabbing a paint brush from one of the tables. I rolled my eyes at his immature ways.

He grabbed another brush and handed it to me. I looked at the table and there was a whole bunch of bottle of red paint. "What's the sign really supposed to say?" I asked him.

"It's supposed to say 'dance the night away' which is very stupid." He shook his head.

"Why do you think everything's stupid?" I asked him.

He shrugged. "Because everything is stupid."

"Even me?" I asked, giving him a fake huge smile.

He stared at me blankly for a while before saying, "Yes."

I shook my head. And we walked over to the big poster that was lying on the floor.


We got half the poster done, we just had the last two words to paint, and then we were done. I looked over at Michael's painting and furrowed my eyebrows. His painting was all smooth and nice and mines was all lumpy and messy. "How do you know how to paint so well?" I asked him.

"My parents used to make me take art lessons." Michael rolled his eyes.

"Oh..." I looked down at the sign and back up at him. "Do you miss your parents?" I asked curiously.

Michael shrugged. "They've been gone for a really long time, so I...don't really know."

"Oh...well do you ever-"

"Can we not talk about this." He interrupted me.

"Oh yeah, sorry." I said awkwardly and getting back to painting.

The rest of the time, we were silent. But when I was finishing up the last letter, I felt something wet good across my right cheek. I furrowed my eyebrows and touch my cheek. I looked at my fingers to see red. I looked at Michael who had a smirk on his face. "Did you just paint my face?"


I glared at him. "Why?"

"It was getting awkward, I had to do something." I'm probably gonna break out now! I growled in frustration. "Stay calm, tiger." He said, putting his hands in front of him.

"I'm not a tiger!" I yelled.

"You sure about that?"

I sighed and dipped my brush in the paint. I slid the brush across his face and his mouth widened. He shook his head and started back painting.

This is gonna be a long two weeks...

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