11: The Boy Next Door

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My party was surprisingly pretty fun. My mom ordered good food, there was good music, a giant cake, everyone was dancing, and when everyone was singing happy birthday, I actually didn't feel like they were assholes... And did I mention I got a boat load of presents?

But now that it's over, I'm back to the same old thing.

When school was over, I had to walk home by myself. Because Nick was on yet another senior trip, and Carter was staying after school for band practice. I walked down the street and was about to turn into the driveway of my house when I heard a voice. "Alonzo!"

I sighed and turned around. Michael was walking towards me with his hands in his pockets. "What do you want now?" I asked with a slightly agitated voice.

"I uh, I need to ask you something."

"Okay." I said, giving him my attention.

"Okay well, my school is having like, this dance, and I was just gonna ask you to go with me. Not as my date or anything, but just because I don't have anyone else to go with." I raised my eyebrows as he continued talking. "And I got in a little trouble at school, so the principal put me on stupid decorating comity," Michael rolled his eyes and continued talking. "And I was gonna ask could you like, help me decorate for the dance, because I can't do it alone and nobody else would say yes, and not like you're gonna say yes, but I just thought I would ask because-"

"Michael, you're rambling." I mentioned.

"Oh, sorry. So uh, what do you say?"

I gave him a confused look. "Okay, so let me get this straight. You want me to go to a dance with you, but not as your date, and you want me to help you decorate for it?"

He paused for a moment. "Yes."

"Oh," I said, taking a long pause before saying, "No."

Michael groaned. "Why not. I need someone to help me with the stupid decorating and I have no one to go to the dance with, and if I show up at the dance alone, I'm gonna look like a loser."

I snickered. "You are a loser."

Michael glared at me. "As I was saying... If I show up to the dance alone, I'm gonna look like a loser. And since you're hot, you can go to-"

"Did you just call me hot?" I asked, cutting him off.

"No." He instantly replied. He ran his fingers through his dark brown hair. I furrowed my eyebrows as he continued talking. "Just please do this, I'll give you whatever you want in return."

I sighed and tried to think of something that I'd want in return. "I want a new pair of converse."

Michael scowled. "Why?"

"Because, I love converse, and the ones I have now are tearing up." I explained.

Michael groaned in frustration. "Fine."

"Okay, so what am I supposed to wear for this dance? Something nice?"

Michael gave me a weird look. "What else would you wear?"

"Well sometimes my school has dances when you can dress like-"

"I don't care." Michael said, walking away.

I glared at him. "Wait!" I called out. He turned back around. "When are the days we're supposed to be decorating, and when is the dance?"

"We're decorating starting next week on Mondays through Thursdays," thank goodness my Friday's are free. "We have to decorate for two weeks, and the dance is on the Friday after that."

I nodded my head. "Okay. Don't forget about my converse." I pointed out.

"Whatever." He waved me off before walking back in the direction of his house.

I sighed and walked back to the front door of my house. Just fantastic, now I'm stuck helping him decorate for his stupid little dance, and I have to go with him. Could life get any worse?

I went through the front door of my house and went up to my room. I slammed the door behind me and slung my back pack on the floor.

I changed into a tank top and sweat pants. I put my hair in a ponytail and grabbed my phone. I texted Catelynn to come over, and in a matter of ten minutes, she was here.

I opened the door for her and we sat in the living room. "You're having a dance at your school soon, right?" I asked Catelynn.

She nodded. "Yeah, how do you know?"

I put a look of disgust on my face. "Michael asked me to go with him." Catelynn opened her mouth to squeal, but I quickly covered her mouth, and her squeal came out muffled. "But I'm not going as his date. He only asked me so he wouldn't look like a loser."

"Oh, that makes sense."

"Cate!" I yelled. "It does not make sense. It's rude and demeaning." I stated.

"True. But that doesn't matter, we totally have to go shopping for a dress."

I gave Catelynn a fake smile. "Yeah-No." I said.

Catelynn's face went blank. "Why not?"

"Why would I spend my money on a dress for a dance that I'm only going to to make Michael look better?"

"I see what you're saying, but that doesn't mean you don't have to look good."

I sighed. "Fine."

"Yay!" Catelynn yelled. She grabbed my wrist and pulled me outside.

"Wait, we're going shopping right now?" I asked.

"Yes. Now get in the car." I gave Catelynn a weird look beiges getting in her car.

Catelynn turned sixteen a couple months ago and already passed her driving test. Now she can drive wherever she wants whenever she wants. I can't wait to take my drivers test so I can finally get a car and drive far, far away!


"How about this?"

"No, that's ugly."

Catelynn rolled her eyes and out the dress back on the rack. "Oo, how about this-"

"Cate, I think I should pick out my own dress." I stated, patting her on the shoulder.

Catelynn through her head back and groaned. "Fine."

I nodded before walking around and looking at dresses. Catelynn and I went to a thousand stores, and I didn't find not one I liked. Catelynn of course already bought hers. I don't know why she buys her dresses so early.

"Mel, my legs are getting tired, can you pick a dress already." Catelynn complained.

"I don't like any of these!" I responded.

Then as if on cue, my eyes landed on a dress. Cue the angle singing voices and the spotlight.

The dress was perfect. It was knee length and the color was dark blue. It had rhinestones on the top part. I smirked and grabbed the dress. "I'm getting this one." I said, walking to the cashier.

"Finally!" Catelynn put her hands in the air. I shook my head and payed for the dress.

Hmm keep reading. And please vote and comment! The book will gradually start to get more and more interesting! Goodbye!

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