29: The Boy Next Door

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"And then Liam fell off the stage." Justin said in between laughs.

Jessica put a confused look on her face. "Wait, why were you at a One Direction concert?"

"My little sister had two tickets, and her best friend was sick, so she forced me to go." Justin explained.

"A British pop star falling off the stage is not funny." Jessica deadpanned and I snickered.

Justin sighed and took his fork and started poking it in his salad. "It's Friday and I have nothing to do tonight." Jessica said.

I shrugged. "Me neither." I stated. "You guys can come over my house tonight and we can watch the horror movie, Fruit Water."

"What kind of horror movie is called Fruit Water?" Jessica asked.

"It's about two kids who get bullied and buy some fruit water, but they find out the fruit water is poisonous. So they go to school and give all the kids who ever bullied them a taste of the fruit water so they can die." Justin explained.

Jessica's eyes went wide. "Alright, I'm in." She said, shrugging her shoulders.

The bell then rang and we all got up. We threw our lunches in the trash and headed to our next class.


"Blink." Carter muttered as he stared into my eyes.

"No." I said with gritted teeth, even though my eyes were burning and watering up.

"I'm gonna win." Carter said.

"No. I'm gonna win."

Carter and I were currently having an intense staring contest and we've been staring at each other for quiet a while. And my eyes were stinging, but since I don't like to lose, I'm not blinking.

Then all of a sudden, Carter poked his lips out and blew in my eyes. I blinked and my mouth widened. "I win!" He yelled, pumping his fist in the air.

"You cheated! You can't blow in my eye." I stated.

"You're just mad because you lost." He said, getting up from the couch and walking upstairs.

I rolled my eyes before getting up from the couch and walking to the kitchen. Justin and Jessica should be hear anytime soon, and we wanted to order pizza. I picked up the phone from the hook and called the pizza place which was on speed dial.

I ordered the pizza and by the time it got here, it's was eight o'clock and Justin and Jessica had gotten here.

When they got here, I opened the door to let them in. "Hey guys."

"Nice house, Mel." Jessica said, looking around.

"Thanks. I ordered pizza."

"Good because I'm starving." Justin said.

I walked into the living room and took outrage movie. I put it in the DVD player and started it.

While the commercials played, we all got our pizza. Justin of course got like four slices. But Jessica and I got two.

By the time the commercials stopped, we all sat in the living room and I flicked off the lights and played the movie.

We all watched and ate our pizza. The movie was pretty scary, but mostly funny.

About halfway through the movie, I heard Justin and Jessica talking, so I decided to eavesdrop.

"A British pop star falling off the stage is kind of funny." She whispered.

"I told you." Justin said.

After that, they both got silent and continued watching the movie. I rolled my eyes. Pretty boring conversation.

When the movie was done, I flicked on the lights. "That was an interesting movie." Jessica stated.

"Would you watch it again?" I asked curiously.

"Yup." I laughed and sat back down on the couch.

"What should we do now?" Justin asked.

Jessica gasped and Justin and I gave her a weird look. "What?" I asked.

"Didn't you say that guy...uh what was him name? Michael! Didn't you say he lived next door to you?" She asked.

"Yes. What does that have to do with anything?" I asked.

"Go to his house." She said with a huge smile.

"No. Why?"

"Have you seen him since the kiss?"

"No, but-"

"Go!" She said with an excited tone.

"Fine!" I yelled before getting up and walking outside. Justin and Jessica followed behind me. I walked outside and they waited at my doorstep as I walked over to Michael's house.

I took a deep breath. What am I supposed to do when he answers the door? Stare at him? What if he tries to kiss me again?

Just stop thinking and ring the stupid doorbell, Mel.

With that, I rung the doorbell and waited. I turned towards Jessica and Justin. Jessica had a huge smile on her face as she watched and Justin was just staring at her.

No one was yet to answer the door. I rung the doorbell and again and waited even longer, but no one still answered yet.

I walked towards my house. "No ones home." I said.

"Where is he?" She asked.

"How am I supposed to know?"

"Aren't you're parents friends with his parents?" Jessica asked.

I would tell her that his "parents" are his aunt and uncle, but I'm not sure Michael would appreciate me slapping out his information to random people.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Ask you're mom where they are." She said.

I put a weird look on my face. "Why do you care so much."

"I'm a curious person. Now go." She said, pushing me into the living room.

I sighed and walked up the stairs. As I walked up the stairs, I heard Jessica say something to Justin. "Do you know if they have any ketchup?"

I walked down the hallway and once I reached my parents door, I knocked. "Mom, dad."

"Come in." My mom called out.

I opened the door and walked in. My mom was in her bed, reading some parenting novel called "How To Punish Your Kids".

My dad was standing in front of the mirror, trying on ties.

"Do you know where Michael and his aunt and uncle are?" I asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.

My dad turned around to face my mom and he had a disappointing face expression.

My mom closed her book. "Mel, you did hear?" She asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Hear what?"

"Mel," she said, putting her book on her night stand. "Michael's in the hospital."

"Huh?!" I said, getting up from the bed. "What do you mean he's in the hospital?"

"Michael was in a terrible accident. He's in the hospital."

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