36: The Boy Next Door

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"Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? SpongeBob SquarePants!"

I put my phone down and turned towards Cater who was singing along to the spongebob theme song. "Shut the hell up." I mumbled with gritted teeth.

Carter gasped and pointed his index finger in my face. "Mommy! Mel said a bad word!"

I groaned in frustration and got up from the couch. I walked upstairs and was about to go into my room until my moms door opened. "Mel," I heard my mom call.

I sighed and turned around. "Mom, he was singing and it was annoying." I explained.

My mom waved her hand at the comment. "I don't care about that. I want to talk to you about something."

"What is it?" I anxiously, yet nervously asked.

"You're getting a job." She blurted.

My eyes widened and I balled up my fists in frustration. "What?!"

"You're getting a job at Sally's Sassy Dolls. You know, the doll shop down the street."

"Why?! I don't want to work at a stupid doll shop! Why do I have to get a job?!"

"Remember when Nick crashed the car? Well, we need money to pay it off."

"Why can't Nick get a job?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"He does have a job. But it wouldn't kill you to rack up some extra money for us. Plus, you need to get started on your college savings. This could be a good thing for you, Mel. You fill out your resume tomorrow. No more discussion." She said before going back to her room.

I slapped my face with my hands before walking into my room. I plopped on my bed and threw my hands in the air. "Why?!"


I opened the door to Sally's Sassy Dolls and stepped in. I grimaced at the pink painted walls and all the dolls that were displayed all over the shop.

There was no one in the shop yet but employees since it didn't open until twelve o'clock noon. There were three ladies talking at the front desk and all of their heads snapped towards me when I opened the door and walked in.

"We're closed, sweetie." One of the ladies stated to me.

I shook my head. "Oh, I know. I was just wondering if I could have a job here."

"Oh of course we're looking for a new salesgirl. Let me just grab a resume. I'm Sally, by the way. The owner of the shop."

Sally had pale skin and long black hair. She looked pretty young like in her older twenties. Why would a young adult like her want to own a doll shop? She could be doing so many better things with her life.

Sally went to the back to grab the resumes. The other two ladies that were at the desk smiled and me and I put a weird look on my face.

"You're gonna love it here. I'm Lydia, Sally's sister." Lydia looked very similar to Sally, long black hair and pale skin. Except Lydia had hazel eyes and Sally had blue eyes.

"I'm Taylor, one of the cashiers here." Taylor had wave blonde hair, tan skin, and green eyes. She looked like she was younger than Sally and Lydia.

After they introduced theirselves, Sally had came back with the resumes. She handed me the papers and I walked over to the nearby table to fill them out.

It took about ten minutes to fill out the paper, and when I was done, I gave them back to Sally. She scanned her eyes over the papers and gave me a warm smile. "Alright. You can start your job tomorrow. Be here by eleven-thirty." Sally handed me a little pink book. "This is the doll manual. It has all of the dolls and their life stories and what they come with. Read this tonight and study it so you can know everything about the dolls."

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