10: The Boy Next Door

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I've began to notice that I don't have many friends... Because my sweet sixteen is tomorrow and I've only gave invitations to Justin, and Catelynn. And I am sitting on my bed, trying to figure out who else to give invitations to, but then I realized that Justin and Catelynn are my only two freaking friends!

But can you blame me, because according to my nickname for my school (Red Valley High School, home of the assholes) everybody that goes there are assholes!

I smirked as an idea came in my head. Why don't I just invite the whole tenth grade? I mean, even though as I've already mentioned a thousand times that everyone that goes to my school are assholes, they could still make the party fun. And my sweet sixteen would end up pretty sad with only two people there.

And plus, if I invite the whole tenth grade, that means Danny will come. And if Danny comes, then everything will fall into place.

If he comes to my sweet sixteen, that'll be a way for us to get closer. He'll come, say happy birthday, give me a present, I open it, say thank you, we look into each other's eyes, kiss, date each other, get married, have children, and be together forever!

Raise your hand if you think that was creepy...

I looked at my digital clock and saw that it was seven-thirty eight which meant I needed to leave for school now.

I got up from my bed and grabbed my back pack. I left my room and headed downstairs. Nick then drive Carter and I to school.

When I saw at school, I got out, went to my locker, grabbed my books and headed to the front office. The bell rang, which meant the morning announcements were about to come on.

"Hello, Red Valley High School. It's Zander Farrell here to start your morning announcements." I went in the front office were Zander, a senior who does the morning announcement, was sitting and speaking into the microphone.

"Hey, can I borrow that right quick." I said, putting my hands on the microphone.

"Hey! Paws off my microphone!" He said like he was a little kid.

I glared at him. "I just need to see for one second."










"YES!!!" I yelled, getting frustrated. His eyes widened and he let go of the microphone. I gave him and innocent smile and began talking into the microphone. I cleared my throat. "Hello. This is Melody Alonzo. This is an important message for sophomores only! I am having a sweet sixteen party tomorrow at my house. I want everyone to come. I will give all the information later, because I am not giving my address to all the creepy stalkers that are listening. And if I see anyone who is not a sophomore, I will personally have security escort you out! Thank you." I gave the microphone back to Zander and casually left the office like I just hadn't made an announcement to the whole school about my party.


I was inspecting the mystery meat that we were having for lunch. I looked at Justin. "Do you think it's horse meat?" I asked him.

He shook his head. "It's definitely buffalo meat." I gave him a looked of disgust and pushed my tray away from me.

I then saw Dana McNell come over and sit at our table. Why the hell does she keep doing this? She smiled at me. "So, Mel, I heard you're having a sweet sixteen party." I nodded my head. She smiled and nodded her head.

I looked at her to see if she was gonna say anything next. "What do you want?" I asked.

"Oh, I just came over here to get a closer look at Justin." She turned towards Justin and gazed at him. He gave her a creepy look and I snickered. I for once feel sorry for Justin.

Dana's smiled grew wider. "Okay, I'm done. I'll see you at the party, Justin." She waved before wandering off to wherever she was going.

I laughed at my poor friend. I guess his good looks are a blessing and a curse.


My house was packed. There were people everywhere dancing to the loud music that was playing, and even though my house was full of assholes, it was actually pretty fun.

Girls came in their dresses, and boys came in their suits. And it was obvious that all the girls were trying to one up me with the dresses, but I had the cutest dress out of everyone here...and I just sounded like a jerk...

But it was true... My dress was a red dress that stopped a little above my knees. My hair was in a messy bun, but it was a neat, messy bun, if that even makes any sense. But what really caught my eye was the table full of presents! I can't wait to rip open those things!

I was standing in the kitchen, drinking some soda when Catleynn dances over to me. "Mel, this party is awesome, and I can't believe you invited your whole sophomore class."

I shrugged my shoulders. "Well at first, I only had you and Justin, so I really didn't have any other choice."

"Well you made the right choice." Catelynn said, dancing away from me.

I laughed at checked the watch on my wrist. It was eight o'clock. I went outside in my heard to see if there were any people out there, and there were. I rolled my eyes. I never knew the whole sophomore class was gonna come.

"What's going on over here?" I heard a voice and I turned around to see Dylan and Michael walking in my yard.

I rolled my eyes. They are not going to ruin my party. "Get out!" I yelled.

"No need to be feisty," Dylan said, putting his hands up in defense. "We just heard loud music and wanted to see what was going on."

"Is this your sweet sixteen party?" Michael asked.

"Yes, and I would enjoy it if you two left!"

"Wow, Alonzo, this house is packed. I never knew you were so popular." Michael said with a smirk on his face.

"Yup, that's me, popular. Now leave."

"Nah, I think we're gonna stay." Dylan said. Michael and Dylan walked inside my house and I groaned in frustration. Do those baboon butts listen to anything I say?!

I turned around to go back into the house, but I bumped into a hard figure. "Sorry, I didn't see-" I looked up to see Danny with a smirk on his face. "Oh, hi Danny."

"Hey, Mel. Happy birthday."

I nodded. "Thanks... Even though it was on Thursday." I looked around awkwardly. "So what are you-"

"Vote for me for Student Body President!" I heard the annoying voice over the whole house.

I growled in frustration and went in the house. I looked around for Dana. I spotted her and the top of the staircase, yelling out to everyone. "Vote for me f-"

"What are you doing?!" I yelled when I approach her.

"Telling everybody to vote for me, duh. Vote for me!!"

I rolled my eyes and walked back down the stairs. When I was down the stairs, Michael and Dylan came up to me. "Alonzo, this party is awesome."

I gave him a fake smile. "Glad your enjoying it, although you weren't invited."

Michael shrugged his shoulders and walked off to another direction.

Yeah, I'm not really that good with written parties, but oh well. So this is the end of the chapter. Keep reading, and love you all.

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