21: The Boy Next Door

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I want to tell you all about the most shitty day ever.

I guess the start to the new year had to start off with a bad day.

It all started on the day that I went back to school. Winter Break was unfortunately over and it was back to Red Valley High School, home of the assholes.

I woke up that morning and was already dreading going back to school. But, I thought, hey, it's a new year, maybe things will change.

I got out of my bed and did all the normal morning stuff, I really feel like I don't need to go over it anymore. You guys know the drill!

I put my hair in a ponytail and moved on to the outfit, which was a maroon sweatshirt, black jeans, and my new pair of converse. I grabbed my book bag and headed downstairs and waited for Nick to come down and drive Carter and I to school.

When Nick was ready to dive us to school, we all got in his car. I looked out the window as we backed out of our driveway as started driving.

We were driving for about ten minutes when I heard a loud crash and the car jerked to a stop. We all jerked forward. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked out the windshield. All I saw was a car smashed in front of us, a big dent in the front of the car, and smoke coming from the car.

"Nick!" I yelled in an annoyed tone. I rubbed my head and clicked my phone on to check the time. This was just perfect. School began in less than five minutes, and now I'm stuck in a car accident.

"Shit. Mom's gonna kill me." Nick said.

"I'm gonna be late for school!" Carter yelled.

"Shut up, Carter. I'll handle this." Nick said, getting out of the car.

Disaster #1


I stuffed my book bag in my locker and violently slammed my locker door. But what I didn't realize was that my fingers were in the locker door, and I smashed my fingers. "Dammit!" I yelled, opening my locker.

I held my fingers in pain. There was now I line of marks and shooting pain coming from my fingers.

Disaster #2

I put my hand down by my side and began walking to class. I walked into my first class which was chemistry. The teacher, Ms. Walsh snapped her head towards me, as did everyone else. "Melody? Why are you so late? Class is almost over."

"I got into a car accident this morning." I said.

Ms. Walsh shook her head. "Excuses, excuses."

I glared at her. "This isn't an excuse. I really got into a car accident."

"Stop lying and take a seat, Melody."

I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and slowly walked to my seat next to Danny. She's probably gonna mark me Tardy now.

Disaster # 3

But aside from the disasters, all we did in chemistry was some worksheets. When we left chemistry, we all went to lunch.

When I got in the cafeteria, I stood in line and waited to get my food. When I got my food, I walked over to my normal table to meet Justin. I sat across from Justin. "Hey, Mel."

"Hey." I said, picking up my cheeseburger and taking a huge bite out of it.

Justin turned his head to the right and looked at one of the tables beside us. "So, Mel. You mind talking to Jessica for me again?"

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