28: The Boy Next Door

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"Are you serious? Catelynn's mom has leukemia?" I said with an extremely hurt face expression. Danny nodded. "That's why it was so hard for her to tell me what was going on that night."

I put my face in my hands and paced back and forth. "Shit. Now I feel horrible!"

"What did you do?" Danny asked curiously.

"I wrote trader on her forehead with a permanent marker." I informed.

"Damn..." Danny trailed.

I let out a large, frustrated groan. "Tell me what happened that night." I demanded.

"Okay. So, Catelynn got a call from her dad that night. He told her that her mom was in the hospital for treatment because she'd been diagnosed with leukemia." I pursed my lips together as I listened to Danny. "And earlier that day, you told her you had detention. So Catelynn drove over to the school to talk about it with you. But detention had already been over and you had already left. I was after school for soccer practice, so that night, I was Catelynn sitting on the ground crying. And I felt like I needed to help her. So I walked over and asked her what was wrong. She told me, and all of a sudden, we just...kissed. But I swear, neither of us knew what we were doing until you came."

I looked down and sighed. "Mel, I would never do anything to hurt you. And neither of us meant to kiss each other. It just happened."

I stared at Danny. "I have got to apologize to her." I said, shaking my head.

Danny nodded. "So, do you forgive me?"

I shrugged. "Yeah, I guess."

Danny out a small smile on his face. "That means we can be together again."

I shook my head. "Sorry, Danny. I forgive you, but I don't want to date you again." I stated. "It's not that I don't trust you. But...I just don't think you're right for me." I informed.

And it was true. I used to like Danny more than I liked myself. But now, I kind of think it was all stupid. I don't feel like he's right for me. I guess the time I was away from him gave me time to notice that he's just not the one.

"So, we're not dating anymore, never?" He asked.

I put an apologetic look on my face. "Never." I confirmed. "I really have to go." I said, before running off. "But thanks for telling me what happened!" I called out as I ran down the street.

I ran down the streets until I reached Catelynn's house. But when I finally reached her house, I was out of breath. I took a bunch of huge breaths and tested my hands on my knees. "Why did I run all the way here?" I said in between breaths.

When I finally had some breath in me, I walked down the driveway and rung the doorbell. I waited for a couple of seconds until Catelynn's dad opened the door. "Oh, hello Melody. Would you like to see Catelynn?"

I nodded. "Yes." Catelynn's dad moved to the side so I would come in. I walked in the house and turned to face Catelynn's dad. "Thanks." I said before running up the stairs and waking down the long hallway until I reached Catelynn's door, which was closed.

I lightly knocked on her door. "Catelynn?" I called. I turned the knob and it was unlocked. I opened the door and walked in. I turned my head to see Catelynn looking in the mirror with tears filling her eyes. "Catelynn?" I called.

Catelynn jumped and turned towards me. She wiped the tears from her eyes and stared at me. "Did Danny tell you?" She asked, her voice a little cracky.

I nodded. Catelynn sighed. "I'm so sorry, Mel. I didn't mean to-"

I interrupted Catelynn. "No. I should be the one apologizing." I walked closer to Catelynn. "I never gave you a chance to explain. I was just really mad." I sighed. I grabbed Catelynn by the wrist and walked to her bed.

I sat on the edge of her bed and she sat next to me. "You know how I used to always get bullied?" I asked. Catelynn nodded. "Well, when I saw you kissing Danny, I kind of felt like...you didn't care about my feelings, or you didn't care wether he was my boyfriend or not...It kind of felt like you were bullying me." I let out a laugh. "I don't know, but it felt kind of bad. That's why I was so mad and I kind of didn't want to talk to you anymore."

Catelynn nodded. "And I am so, so sorry. I don't know how many times I have to say it to show you how sorry I am. Mel, you've been my best friend since elementary school, and I never want to stop being you're best friend. I would never mean to hurt you and I definitely would never mean to kiss you're boyfriend on purpose." Catelynn sighed and looked down at her lap. "My brain was just so...melted." Catelynn snickered at her last sentence. "When I found out about my mom, I didn't really know what to do, so I came to you. Because we're best friends and I would always come to you for help. But when I found out you weren't there, I started thinking about my mom again and I started crying and I didn't know what was going on and everything seemed like a blur."

I nodded. "But I would never mean to hurt you." She finished.

I smiled. "Well that's nice to know." I held my arms out and pulled Catelynn in a tight hug. Catelynn squeezed me back and we held the hug for quiet a long time.

But a few seconds after, I heard sniffles, which meant Catelynn was crying. "I'm scared, Mel." She said with a shaky tone.

I patted her on the back. "Everything's gonna be fine. Trust me."

Catelynn released the hug and wiped her tears. "I will. Always."

I smiled. "Now let's go wash this marker off your forehead."

Catelynn laughed as we both got up and walked to the bathroom. "That was a nice one, Mel." Catelynn said and we both laughed.

Boom! Best friend goals!

Anyway, the next few chapters are going to be very good, at least I'm gonna try to make them good, so please keep reading or else you're gonna miss out!

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