Chapter 63 Undenaibly Love

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Connor's POV.

"What you doing?" Bethany asked as she came and sat down on a stool near the counter. It was past ten o'clock at night and she just came down after a bath.

"Editing Monday's video" I replied.
"I'm gonna make dinner" she smiled.

She leaned in and kissed my forehead and I grabbed her waist.
"Why can't we just order something?" I asked her.
"That's too boring" She laughed.


Monday's video was going to be "Warning: This Video May Offend You" and I was excited about this one.

"What are you making?" I asked her.
"I don't know,"
"Beth. I'm ordering chinese" I laughed.
"Okay thanks I gave up a long time ago,"
"You're so cute Bethany Noel" I smiled and kissed her nose.
"We have similar middle names. I love it" she said making me smile.

I dialed the number on my phone and ordered the food. "They'll be here in 15" I said.

We snuggled up in the couch and watched some TV.

A lot of things have been happening actually. We just came back from a two week vacation with Jen and JC. And most importantly, we changed the setting of our apartment, now we had no second floor. We just closed it up and expanded the lower floor.

I feel like the entire place is open and I like it that way.

She rested her head on my chest and I stroked her hair. We were watching Baby Daddy, Bethany and I both love that show.

It was actually nice to have someone who likes the same things as you and knows you the best. And I think the best thing about our relationship is that we're both best friends.

"Speaking of videos, why do you have make up on at 12:30 am?" I asked her.
"Oh. That" She laughed "I have to film an intro for my latest video"
"You are not doing that now Bethany."
"Why?" She asked me
"It's been a long day and we're both tired" I answered.

Referring to long days, Bethany and my plan to "prank" Kian was washed away by the water. We totally failed. After all, is not like to talk about it because Bethany and I didn't talk the entire car ride back home because of that.

"Hmm. Okay. Guess I have to take all of this make up off"
"Yes" I answered back.
"Connorrrrrrrr" She whined and moved to sit in between my legs.

Bethany's POV

"Yes babe?"
"I love you" I replied.
"I love you too"

He started giving me little kisses on my shoulder and moving onto my neck that made me fall in a fit of giggles.

You know, it's the little things that Connor does makes me feel content about our relationship. I don't want the big things either way. I love Connor for being him.

I heard the doorbell ring and I got up knowing it was our food. Connor was still sitting down and I stood up in between his legs. He grabbed my waist and said, "Don't go"

I laughed and said, "I'm hungry. I need food before I pass out"

I have to admit I didn't like Chinese food but this one was pretty good. Maybe it was because I was hungry. I was never the one to be picky but when it came to food, I guess.

"That's a wrap on dinner I guess" He laughed licking the last bits off his finger.
"Ew that is so gross" I cringed at the sight of him. "It's natural" He laughed.

I rolled my eyes and Connor and I started washing the dishes together.

"Cmon." He said and grabbed my hand. We intertwined hands and I made sure we locked the door. I switched all of the lights off and walked to our room.

Connor and I jumped on to the bed with a loud sigh.

He tucked a strand of hair that was falling onto my face behind my ear and kissed my forehead.

"Good night Con" I whispered.

The last thing I remembered about this night was that I fell asleep, not knowing anything.

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