Pete-Your Depression (Warning: May Be Depressing)

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Pete had texted you from downstairs saying he was going to hang with the guys. You just kinda figured he left, and was too lazy to check. You were glad you were home alone. You'd had depression for going on 6 months now, and you didn't want Pete to see you like this. You sighed as you walked by a mirror. You stopped to look in it. You sighed and kicked the wall. "UGLY STUPID AND WORTHLESS! THAT'S ALL I AM!" You screamed at the top of your lungs. You couldn't take it anymore. You went into your bedroom and opened a drawer. Just as you had found your knife, you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist. You turned around and saw Pete. "Oh shit.." You thought. "Y/N! Give it here! It's not worth it!" You sighed handing it off to Pete. He grabbed you and held you close as you started crying. "Baby, why didn't you just tell me?" "I didn't wanna bother you." You chocked on the words, trying to stop crying." He brushed your hair back and sat you on the bed. "Look, I've been there. I know it sucks and I'm here for you. You're my baby girl forever. You're perfect the way you are. Please next time tell me instead of attempting to hurt your beautiful self." You smiled a little and wiped your tears with your hand. He sat beside you and slowly kissed you. You kissed back, the kiss getting deeper. Pete leaned onto you, and ended up falling on top of you. You finally ended off the kiss and giggled. "I love you Peter." "I love you too." He smiled. "I thought you were gonna be with your friends." You said, looking confused. "They can wait until another time." He said, kissing your cheek and making you giggle.

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