Andy-Off to College

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You sigh as you pack your suitcase. You loved Chicago. You loved the view from your apartment and your family and friends, especially your best friend Andy. You really didn't want to leave him, one because he's been your best friend since high school and the only one that's stood by you through thick and thin, and two because you've had a major crush on him for about a year. You sit on the couch of your apartment, counting down the minutes before the bus came, when you hear a knock on your door. "It's open!" You yell. The door opens and in comes Andy. "Hey, Y/N. So you have to leave today, huh?" He sounds disappointed. You sigh as he sits beside you and you look down. "Yeah. 10 more minutes." You start to sob, and he wraps his arms around you and pulls you into a hug. You lay your head on his bare chest (Shirtless Andy, why not? :)) and wrap your arms around him. "Shhhh it's gonna be okay Y/N. You'll be back in 2 years right?" You look up at him. "But I'll miss you." "Sweetheart you need to focus on your education. I'll still be here, and we can always FaceTime." Sweetheart? Your face turns red. You look at your phone and sigh. "I have to go Andy." He gets up and grabs a shirt that he had left at your place, then puts it on and grabs your suitcase. "Let me walk you down." On the walk down, Andy seems nervous, but you don't question it because it's Andy and he can be random. When you get to the bus stop, you look at him. "Well I guess this is it for a while." He looks down, then back at you. "Well Y/N, I might as well tell you something I've been wanting to for a while now." Your heart starts pounding from suspense. "And that is?" He smiles getting closer. "Well I've always wanted to do this." He quickly cups your face in his hands and kisses you. You kiss back as the butterflies gather in your stomach. He pulls away and wraps his arms around you. "I guess I waited too late..but I love you, Y/N." "I love you too Andy" you smile hugging him. At that time the bus arrives, and you frown. "I guess I have to go.." Andy remains smiling. He then pulls out a plane ticket. "And I'm going too." You gasp and wrap your arms around him, then you two enter the bus, hand in hand. <3

(A/N: Sorry if it sucks. It's lateish but I wanted to update. Soooo yeah I hope you enjoyed! Thnks Fr Th Rds and until next time! Love you all! <3)

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