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You hear a door open at 2:46 AM. You roll your eyes and get out of bed. You walk down the stairs and spot your drunk as fuck husband stumbling around the kitchen. He opens the fridge and grabs a beer. You run to him and take it from him. "Pete, no! No more!" He glares at you. "Y/N, I'm tired of you telling me how to live my life!" You feel tears building up in your eyes. You sit the beer down and rub his arm. "Look, the new album and the upcoming tour has you all stressed out. Why don't we do something relax-" You get cut off by Pete grabbing your arm and slamming you against the wall. He then pushes you to the ground, sitting on top of you. You feel a jolt of pain go through you. "Make love to me, Y/N, you little whore you! You know you want me! Hurry bitch, Take off those clothes!" You gasp and squirm free of him. Your eyes fill with tears. "I'm tired of you! It's over, Peter!" You grab your phone and your purse and run out. You text Patrick, and he agrees to come and get you. He arrives 10 minutes later, and you bolt to his car. You sniffle and tell him what happened. "Omg that's terrible!" Patrick's jaw drops. You nod and look down. "Can I stay with you for a while?" He nods, pulling into his driveway. "Of course."
You wake up to the smell of pancakes. You get out of Patrick's bed. He had taken the couch like a gentleman. You walk into the kitchen, where Patrick has you a plate of pancakes made. You smile. "Aww, thanks Pat!" He smiles, pulling out your chair for you. "No problem." After you two finish eating, you help wash dishes. You look over at Patrick. "Thank you so much for everything." He smiles. "Hey, ain't no pretty girl like you gonna be treated like shit." You blush. Patrick gives you a quick kiss on the cheek. "Oh uh-sorry." You smile and blush. "It's fine." Patrick looks down at your arm and frowns. "He bruised you up pretty bad." You sigh. "I know..." All of a sudden the phone rings. Patrick answers, argues for a bit, then hands it to you. "Y/N, I'm so sorry! Please come back!" You roll your eyes. "Pete, you got drunk and abused me and almost raped me. Why should I forgive you?" You hear crying from the other end, which is unusual for Pete. "I promise baby! I promise I'll never drink that much again! Please come home!" You sigh. "One last chance, Wentz." You hang up and grab your stuff off of the table. "Patrick, I'm gonna take a chance and go back." He frowns, but nods. "Just please be careful." Patrick drives you home.

Pete runs to the car and opens the door for you. You get out and hug him, tears slipping from your eyes. He cries a little also. He sniffles. "I'm sorry baby. It'll never happen again, I swear!" You smile a little. Patrick walks up to Pete and grabs him by the collar, lifting him up a little. "It won't happen again." He releases him and gives you a hug, then drives off. You and Pete go back in the house and spend the rest of the day cuddling and watching movies. He kept his promise, and never got drunk again.

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