Joe-Your First Child

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You are home with your step daughter Ruby and your newborn son Andrew. Joe tried to make it home in time to meet his baby boy, but his flight got delayed. Just your luck..

It's 10:00 PM and the house is turned upside down. Ruby is running around the house screaming and Andrew is crying. You sigh, picking up Andrew and giving him his bottle. You sit him down and chase after Ruby. You don't have the heart to yell at her. You stop and put your hands to your face. "She's just a kid." You try to reassure yourself. You walk over to the table and snatch your phone up. You then call the one person who made it home successfully, your best friend Pete. "Oh hey, Y/N. What's up?" "Pete please come over. I'm going crazy." "What's wrong?! Are you okay?" "No, I'm not okay. ("I'm Not Okay, I Promise." Sorry had to XD). Look, I'll explain later. Just come over." "I'll be right there." You sigh and hang up. A few minutes later Andrew starts crying again.

You hear a knock on the door. You run to it and open it. Pete walks in. "Hey so-what the hell happened?" "Kids." You look down, then burst into tears. Pete embraces you in his arms. "Shhh, it's okay Y/N. We'll get through this. Joe will be home soon. Just calm down." You sniffle and look up at him. "I-I can't do it." "Yes you can, just trust me." You nod and wipe your eyes with your hand. "Okay, first of all, please go find Ruby." Pete nods and runs up the stairs. You hear crying again, and run over to Andrew. You change his diaper and feed him another bottle. You burp him and then put him back to bed. You then head over to the living room and start cleaning up Ruby's mess.

A few minutes later Pete walks down, holding Ruby in his arms. Makeup covered her face. "Well..I found her.." You smile a little and take her. "Thanks Pete. I have to go give her a bath and put her to bed now. Can you watch the baby?" He nods and walks over to the crib. You rush up the stairs and into the bathroom. You give Ruby a bath and then head to her bedroom. You put her in her crib and kiss her goodnight. You then walk back downstairs, to find Pete on the couch asleep, who is holding Andrew, who is also asleep. You smile a bit and walk to your bed. As soon as you hit the pillow, you're out.

You're awoken by a kiss on the cheek. You open your eyes and almost gasp. "JOE!" You scream, jumping into his arms. He smiles, kissing you. "I'm so sorry baby girl. I tried to be here for you I really did." You nod. "I understand babe. I'm glad you're here though. It's been hell without you." "What do you mean?" He looks confused. All of a sudden you hear crying. "Shit!" Pete screams. You and Joe look at each other and laugh, and Joe heads over to meet his newborn son.

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