Patrick Imagine for falloutboyfedora

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(falloutboyfedora 😏)

"Gracie!! C'mon!" Patrick squeals, tugging on your hand and trying to pull you to the car. You roll your eyes and laugh. "Gah Patrick you're worse than Declan..or better yet..Pete." He gives you an adorable pouty face, which kinda guilt trips you. You sigh and shove some eye makeup in your bag. You get in the car, look back to make sure Patrick strapped up Declan in his car seat, and you're off to the amusement park.

You're by the baby pool, watching little Declan splash around in the water with Saint and Bronx. You feel a wet hand on your back, and you turn around to see Patrick and Pete, smiling wide. "Gracie you've got to try this water slide!" Pete smiles, pointing to this ginormous water slide. You would usually be up for excitement, but you just couldn't do it today. "Nah, I'm fine." "Pleaseeeee?" Patrick begs. You bite your lip. "I can't." "C'mon we'll go with you! Meagan can watch the kids!" Pete adds in. You sigh. "Look, there's a reason I can't." "And that is?" Patrick looks confused. You point to the warning board that they post on all rides. You point specifically at the pregnancy logo. You turn around to see both guys with their mouths wide open. "Y-you mean we're gonna h-have a kid of our o-own?" Patrick stutters. You nod slowly. "Yup." Patrick throws his arms around you and kisses you passionately. "I can't wait!!!" You giggle and turn back to Pete, who's still in shock. "P-Patrick actually had sex?" Pete's eyes widen. You two burst out laughing. "It ain't the first time!" You add in. Pete stumbles back and walks away slowly. You giggle and kiss Patrick on the cheek. Little Declan will enjoy having a new playmate.

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