Joe Imagine for bemytwinskeleton Feat. Mikey Way

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For Katie. Enjoy! :)

You sit on the curb with your crush from school, aka your best friend Mikey, drinking Coke Zero and talking about bands. You had a feeling he liked you back, but you didn't want to ask him out. One, you're too shy and two, you also have a crush on your other best friend, Joseph. "Hey, Earth to Katie!" Mikey snaps his fingers in front of your face. You shake your head and once again enter reality. "Huh, sorry I zoned out." He laughs and you blush. His laugh sent butterflies to your stomach. "Sooo..did I tell you about my new girl?" "Huh?" You ask, your heart sinking. "Yeah! That cheerleader girl! I met her at the dance. Pretty cool, eh?" You fake a smile and get up. "Well I'm happy for you! But I have to get going! See you around Mikey!" "Bye Katie! Be careful." Mikey calls as you start walking back to your house.

You walk into your room and slam your door shut. Of course the popular bitch would get my crush of two months! I bet she doesn't even like him!" You punch your wall and then sit on your bed.

It's 9 PM. You're laying in your bed with your earbuds in, listening to some FOB. You got the album free because of Joe. All of a sudden, you hear a tap on your window. You sigh and get up. You look out the window and see Joe. You quickly open the window. "Katie!" He smiles, making you blush. "Can I come in?" You nod and help him climb in the window. He stumbles and falls face first onto your bed, making you giggle. He smiles sitting up as you sit beside him. "Sooo how are you this fine night?" He asks. You sigh. "Not so good." You then explain to him the Mikey situation. "Damn, I'm sorry. That shouldn't happen to such an amazing girl like you." You notice Joe is closer to you than usual and he seems to be tense. "Are you okay? You look like you're about to pass out." You joke. He laughs and scratches the back of his blonde hair. (Yes, this is blonde Trohman. ;)) "Well um..Katie can I tell you something you probably don't care to hear at a time like this?" "Um..sure I guess?" You giggle, unsure whether you want to hear what he's about to say or not. He stares at you for a few seconds, and you get lost in his beautiful eyes. "Well um..Katie, I fucking love you!" You blink, startled. Your crush actually likes you?! "Joseph, I love you too." He smiles, putting his hand on top of yours. "Wait..what about Mikey?" You sigh. "I liked both of y'all, you for a little longer..but I just never thought you were interested, so I thought I had a better chance with Mikey than you." You look down, but then get met with Joe's lips on yours. He kisses you passionately, then pulls away smiling. "I've always loved you, and I always will."

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