Your Christmas-All

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Patrick-You sigh reading the text from your boyfriend, Patrick. Apparently he cannot make it home for Christmas. You shake your head as you walk into your bedroom, gathering Declan's presents and putting them under the tree. All of a sudden, you hear footsteps running down the steps. "Mommy mommy!" Declan runs into your open arms, and you give him a big hug, smiling. "Merry Christmas, Declan. Santa came last night." You point to the presents. He smiles and grabs one, then stops. "Wait..where is daddy?" You sigh. "Daddy can't make it home, sweetie." He frowns and sets the box down, starting to cry. You pull him into your arms and rock him, a tear slipping down your cheek. All of a sudden, the door opens, and in runs Patrick. "Pranked ya!" You give him a glare as Declan jumps off your lap and runs to him to hug him. He chuckles hugging him, and then coming to kiss you. "Why would you do that, babe?" You ask, letting a small giggle slip. He grins wide. "Y/N, I had to get you something." He shoves a box in your hand. You open it and you find a much smaller box, making you giggle. You open it again and you gasp at the sight of a beautiful diamond ring. You look at Patrick, who is already on one knee. "Is it a yes?" You start to cry and throw your arms around him. He takes the ring and slips it on, kissing your hand. "Now, let's start Christmas as a family."

Pete-You, Bronx, and Saint count to three, and then jump on the bed, waking your husband, Pete, up. He blinks, then quickly jumps up. "Christmas!!!" You all run down the steps and to the tree. "Okay, who's giving the gifts out?" You ask. "I will!" Bronx says, picking one up and handing it to Saint. After all of them are distributed, you decide to let the kids go first. "Oh boy! A bass!" Bronx smiles wide, making Pete chuckle. "Taking after the old man, I see." Saint rips his last gift open, smiling wide. "Thomas the train! Choo choo!" You giggle at that. Now it is you and Pete's turn. "Oh my God!" Pete shakes his head and chuckles. He runs into the bathroom and comes back out wearing a pizza costume. "Pete you look so attractive!" You joke. You open up your gift, and smile wide. Pete got you a beautiful dress, strapless silver with sparkles and matching heels. You go to the bathroom and change into them. You come back out, and Pete whistles, making you blush. You all take some silly photos, for example, Bronx pretending to eat Pete and Saint in a gift box you're holding. Best. Christmas. Ever.

Joe-You smile, wrapping some final presents for your daughter, Ruby. You giggle at the thought of the gag gift you got Joe, which Pete is helping you out with. You hear footsteps coming down the stairs, and quickly finish up the gifts, placing them under the tree. Down comes Joe, holding Ruby. He smiles, sitting her down and kissing your cheek. You blush, handing Ruby her presents. Her favorite was a makeup set. "Oh no, I suppose I'll be killing some boys now!" Joe jokes, making both of you giggle. Joe hands you a present, and you open it up. Huge diamond earrings! "Oh my God, thank you Joseph! You shouldn't have!" He laughs as you struggle to put them in without a mirror. You all exchange some more gifts. Ruby hands Joe a "Best Daddy in the World" mug, making him smile wide. "Awww thanks Ru Ru!" After all the gifts are gone from under the tree, Joe gets up. "I guess we're done." "Oh no we aren't!" You smirk, leading Joe outside while Ruby plays with her new baby dolls. "Where is it?" Joe asks. "Just wait." You smile. All of a sudden, Pete rides up on a zebra. Joe looks puzzled, then turns to you. You giggle. "Look in the pouch." Joe walks to the zebra and opens the pouch." In it is a bag of coffee. He turns to you, and you smirk. "Uma Thurman." He laughs and kisses you. You kiss back, then you turn to Pete. "Merry Christmas guys! I'm riding this bad boy home, it'll be a perfect present for Saint!" You both laugh and wave him off. When he's about out of the driveway, you look at Joe, and you both yell, "Thanks, Pete!"

Andy-You are awakened by a kiss on the cheek from your boyfriend, Andy. You sit up and kiss his cheek, then punch his side. "Ow! What was that for?" He whines. "For waking me up from my beauty sleep." You giggle. He smirks. "You're already beautiful, one day isn't gonna hurt." You blush and roll out of bed, dragging Andy down the stairs and to the tree. Since there's no kids..yet, there's not much to open under the tree. You two exchange gifts, Andy grinning about his light saber and Star Wars tee. You received a "Let's cuddle and watch Star Wars" tee from Andy, making you blush. "Is that all the gifts?" Andy smirks. "Wait." You walk behind the tree and grab a pretty small package. You hand it to Andy. He also hands you a small package that he was hiding behind his back. He looks up at you. "You first." You tear it open and gasp. In it is a beautiful engagement ring. You smile wide as Andy gets on one knee. "Y/N, you make me so happy. I know you must be the one. Please, be my wife?" You nod viciously and kiss his cheek, allowing him to slide on the ring. You smile. "I guess my gift is perfect then. He raises an eyebrow playfully. "Oh, really?" He rips it open and his eyes widen. He smiles wide and holds up the pregnancy test. "You're...?" "Pregnant." You finish, smiling wide. He pulls you into a hug and bombards you with kisses. He kisses your ear, and whispers, "We're gonna be an amazing family."

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