Chapter 10

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No one would talk to me, let alone look at me at practice the next day. Coach had made us run laps around the track for the first half of practice so we all knew something was up. And I knew exactly what was going on.

"Boys, take a breather and get something to drink." Coach called us over.

Restlessly, we all slumped down onto the bench. Coach Carbonie stood as he collected his thoughts.

"Boys, there's nothing I hate more than talking about sexuality. I think it's bad enough that this country lets the gays walk around freely as they spread their diseases to the innocent straights." Coach started off by saying. "I believe that football has always been and always will be a straight man's sport. And we can't have the gays ruining the one thing that we heterosexuals have left. So, I have made my decision. Lane Hart, you are banned from playing on this football team."

"What? Why?" I asked in shock.

"After that little disgusting stunt you pulled at the dance, I can't have you on my team anymore."

"That's so unfair!"

"Some things are. Now get the hell off of my field."

Sam stood with fire in his eyes. "If Lane goes, I go.

"Fine, Matthews, you're off the team too."

Sam glanced at me and then started to walk away. I had just let him down again.

. . .

"Sam, please just look at me at least!" I exclaimed as I chased after him in the parking lot.

He rolled his eyes and turned to me. "What the hell do you want, Lane?"

"I want to know if you're okay. You keep ignoring me."

"I have a reason to ignore you. You basically outed me to the entire school and now even my little sister knows about me. What am I supposed to do if she tells my parents? Tell them that my best friend was my boyfriend?"

"Sam, I will do anything for you to forgive me. Please."

"We were only together for two weeks and you've already managed to ruin it. We're done, Lane. For good."

I gazed at him as tears started to well up in my eyes. "Please don't do this, Sammy. I need you."

"It's been two weeks. You'll be able to get over me just like you got over Dakota and every other girl."

"You don't understand. I love you."

"You're pathetic, Lane. Go ahead and find a new girl to fall in love with and fuck. Go live your straight, all-star life." He said and started to walk to his car.

"Seventh grade."

He turned to me. "What?"

"You came running to me crying in the seventh grade because your girlfriend dumped you for the most popular guy in school. When I hugged you to calm you down that day, I felt something. I got this weird feeling in my chest and I didn't know what it was. I wanted to protect you and get revenge on the girl who hurt you. That was when I started to have feelings for you. I was in love with you and I still am to this day."

"How do I know that it's real?"

"Why else would I have kissed you in front of the whole school?" I walked over to him and knelt down in front of him, taking his hands in mine. "I love you, Sam Matthews."

"You're an idiot. But you're a sweet one. And I am a sucker for cheesy, romantic sayings."

I stood and wrapped my arms around him. "C'mon, let me drive you home. And we can get Starbucks on the way too."

He chuckled. "You really do know how to make a gay man swoon."

I kissed his cheek and put my arm around him. It was amazing how we could be fighting one minute and in love the next.

The Insanity Of Losing You (boyxboy) {Book One of the Insanity Of... Series}Where stories live. Discover now