Chapter 46

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​Sam kissed my neck and straddled my legs. "I love you, babe." He whispered into my ear and nibbled at the lobe.

"You up for another round already?" I chucked as my hands rode down his bare back.

"I already rode you once, cowboy. I think we're both good for tonight." He smiled and kissed my lips, rolling to my side.

He rested his head on my chest and I ran my fingers though his hair. But the question kept lingering in my mind.

​"Sam, can I ask you something?" I said.

​"You're calling me 'Sam' in your serious voice, that never means anything good." He put his hand on my cheek and leaned up to kiss me. "What's on your mind, baby?"

​"I got Dakota pregnant with Charlie at eighteen and we started going out again around that time. In a way I feel like I pressured you into this. Into getting married and starting a family."

​"Lane, honey, why would you every think that? I was madly in love with you and I still am to this day. Even when you were off with Zach, I still knew you were the one." He sat up. "I didn't care if you had a baby on the way; I still wanted to be with you. Love is love no matter what."

​I sat up too.

​"Marrying you was the best decision I ever made, Lane. Yeah, we got married kind of young, but we're still together today and that's all that matters." He took my hand in his. "I love you, Lane Hart. Just like I did fourteen years ago."

​"I love you too, Sam Hart. And I always have."

​We kissed again and again.

​"Can we get to bed now?" Sammy asked.

​"Anything for you, my darling husband." I smiled and gave him another kiss.

​"Okay, we are done with the cheesy bullshit for tonight."

​"Okay, okay, I'm done. I swear."

​"You're lucky you're cute."

​"I guess I am lucky." I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer. "Sam, if I didn't have you, I would have probably killed myself all those years ago."

​"I'm just happy that I came into your life when I did. You were my best friend too. I wouldn't be able to survive without you, Lane."

​"I'm glad I chose you, Sammy." I was in tears by that point.

​"Baby," He said and wiped my tears with his thumb. "Forever and always, right?"


​He stoked my cheek to calm me down. Then he gave me a sweet, passionate kiss.

​"It will get better. Just like it did fourteen years ago."

​"You know me better than I do, Sam."

​He shrugged. "That's why I'm your husband." Then he got back under the covers and went to sleep.

​I put my arm around his waist and kissed his forehead. "Goodnight to you too."

. . .

Sam was working late and Charlie was out with a few friends that night so I was alone completely.

I was nearly falling asleep as I lay on the couch with the TV on. My eyes slowly shut then opened as I heard the doorbell ring.

​I opened the door to find him standing there. He hadn't changed much since high school. Dark hair and eyes, black shirt and jeans, he was the same guy that I loved fourteen years ago. Zach was smiling brightly at me.

The Insanity Of Losing You (boyxboy) {Book One of the Insanity Of... Series}Where stories live. Discover now