Chapter 16

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"I'll see you later, okay?" Zach said as walked down the hallway. "And if those jocks bother you again, I'll kick their asses. But have a good day."

"You too." I smiled and walked away.

Suddenly I was being pulled into the bathroom by the hand. Sam pressed his lips to mine once the door closed.

"Hey, baby." He said and kissed me again, licking my lower lip and begging for entrance.

"Sam..." I said against his lips.:

He pulled away with a smile. "Good news, Coach is letting me play on the team again. I just had to lie and say I was straight."

"We need to talk, Sam."

"About what?"

"Sam, I can't do this anymore." I sighed. "We never see each other anymore and you've been so distant lately. I just think we should end it here."

"Why would you think that? Lane, I love you."

"I'm sorry, but I just don't feel the same way anymore."

"So you're breaking up with me?"

"I'm sorry, Sam."

He put his hands on my chest and shoved me back. "Fuck you, asshole." Then he stormed out of the bathroom.

I had worked so hard to have him for so long and I had just thrown it all away. And I felt horrible about it.

.       .       .

So the story went around that Sam was getting high in the bathroom and that's why his eyes were so red. But I knew he truth. He had been crying because of what I did.

I sat with LA and everyone else when lunchtime came around. I asked where Zach was, but no one knew. That was when I saw that everyone was gathering around to see the fight going on.

I pushed through the crowd quickly only to see Sam and Zach throwing punches at each other. Sam looked more beaten than Zach did.

"Stop it!" I screamed at the both of them.

Zach threw the last lunch, knocking Sam down to the floor.

I grabbed Z's wrist and tugged him over to me. "Come on, let's get you out of here."

"Really? You're walking away with this asshole? He just beat the living shit out of me!" Sam wiped the blood from his mouth. "What makes you think he won't do the same to you?"

Ani rushed over and knelt at Sam's side. She scowled at me with fire in her eyes. "Get the fuck out of here your selfish prick."

Sam pushed her away from him. "Get the hell away from me, you fucking tranny."

"Come on." I said as I dragged Zach along with me.

.      .       .

After returning home. Zach and I did homework. Though his way of getting it done was more kissing and less working.

He came out of the bathroom with one of my mother's make-up kits. "Your mom has a shit ton of makeup." He smiled. "We should try some out."

I shook my head. "No, she'll kill me."

"Come on, haven't you ever wanted to be a drag queen? Besides, you'd look hot with make up."

"No way. I'm happy without make-up on."

"Well, I need to get home anyway." Zach leaned over and kissed my cheek. "I'll see you later, beautiful."

I walked downstairs to find Ani sitting on the couch. But she looked different. Her beautiful long hair was now cut short and she didn't have make-up on. Her chest was flatter than usual and she was wearing boyish clothes. This confused me.

"How did you get in here?" I asked.

"Zach let me in. I need to talk to you, Lane." She said in a shaky voice.

"Okay, then let's talk." I sat down on the couch with her.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you earlier. I was just trying to defend my friend but then I realized that asshole deserved it."

"It's okay. Now what's really going on?"

"Lane, have you ever wanted to be a girl?"

I paused at the question and was hesitant. "I guess I've though about what it would be like, but I'm comfortable with my body and who I am."

"In the cafeteria, Sam called me a... tranny. Do you know what that means?"

"Yeah, it's slang for a transgender person."

"Lane, I'm going to be completely honest with you and you have to promise not to tell anyone."

"I promise I won't."

Ani let out a shaky breath. "I was born in the wrong body, Lane."

"What do you mean?"

"I was never meant to be a girl. I'm supposed to be a boy."

"So you're transgender?"

"Yes and my pronouns are he and him. Please respect them." He lifted up his shirt to show his binder. "This is who I am. And I hope you can accept me."

"I'll always accept you."

"But there is one more thing. As a guy, I am gay."

"So you're a boy who likes boys?"


"Okay. Do you go by a different name?"

"You can still call me Ani but just use male pronouns."

"Okay, Ani."

"There's one more thing I need your help with."


"Can you teach me how to be a boy?"

"Okay, first of all, you need to slouch. Men do now have good posture."

"Noted." He smiled.

It was silent for a moment. Then he hugged me out of the blue.

"Thank you, Lane. For everything."

"No problem, Ani."

.     .      .

"If you could have anything in this world right in this moment, what would it be?" I asked Zach as we lay on my bed together.

"All I want right now is a bong hit and a blowjob and I'd be fantastic." Zach said. "What about you?"

"I want someone to make love to me."

He chuckled and kissed my neck. "Maybe another night, babe. I have to go right now."


"Lane." He called out and I looked to him. "I want to you to call me if things get bad again, okay? I don't want you hurting yourself."

"I'll be fine, Zach. Don't worry."

"I'll call you later."


He kissed me quick and I followed him downstairs. Zach walked out the door and I turned to Nathan who gave me a pitiful look. I walked into the kitchen to find Ani there.

He wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in my chest. I have no idea how people can be so cruel and do horrible things. How they can rape innocent people and leave them like this with nowhere to go and no one to tell. It was horrible.

The Insanity Of Losing You (boyxboy) {Book One of the Insanity Of... Series}Where stories live. Discover now