Chapter 33

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I apologize for my lack of activity with this story. Things have been pretty stressful lately because of the end of summer and getting back to school. Hopefully I'll be able to post on the weekends because chances are I'm going to have a shit ton of assignments and homework to do. Here's to another chapter guys.

Once I got home, I lie on my bed and shut my eyes. It had been a long and exhausting day. After a long talk with my boyfriend, we were finally back together and happier than ever.

Zach came in and spooned with me, making sure to keep me close. "My sleepy boy must be tired from having such a long day. Looks like he's too tired to spend time with me." He cooed into my ear, making me smile.

"I have two essays due by the end of the week and a test on Thursday. School is so difficult." I whined.

"I'll let you sleep then." He got up but I quickly rolled over and grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Cuddle with me?" I asked, pouting and giving him the puppy dog eyes.

"Okay." He sighed. "But only because you're so adorable."

Zach kissed me and lay back down with me. I curled into his chest and he kissed my forehead as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"Was it bad today, baby?" He asked, his voice muffled by my hair.

"Not as bad as I thought it would be. The only people who really talked to me today were you and Jessie."

"Don't listen to him, okay? An asshole like him shouldn't be making things bad for you." He looked into my eyes for a moment. "Just know that even if it gets really bad, I'm still here for you."

"Zach, can I tell you something? You have to promise not to freak out though." I said while his hand caressed my cheek.

"Go ahead, my darling."

"I want to get married to you one day. No matter how long it may take."

"And I'll be the one to say yes."

I pressed my lips to his. I couldn't stop thinking about the day we would both say "I do".

.         .          .

"I'll see you later, baby." Zach said as I walked him to the door.

I pecked him on the lips.


He walked out to his car and I let out a heavy sigh as I closed the door.

"Lane, can I talk to you?" Nathan asked and motioned for me to come over to the couch.

"Yeah, what's up?" I asked as I sat down.

"I saw what happened in the hallway today. There are so many reasons why you shouldn't be dating him." Nathan stated.

"Nathan, I understand that it's hard for you to come to terms with the fact that I'm gay but you sure as hell can't control who I date."

"Lane, he's a year older than you, graduating in a couple months, and I know him better than you do. Zach has dated more than a dozen guys and girls and has probably had sex with more. He can make anyone fall in love with him."

"He's in a committed relationship. He wouldn't go around having sex with other people." Okay, so that was a huge lie.

"Don't say I didn't warn you, little brother. You'll see when he breaks your heart."

.         .          .

Warning: a lot of shit goes down in this chapter so please don't send hate.

"Lane, it's been three months. Please just talk to us." The sound of Sam's worried voice made my heart sink even more.

"Please, Lane, it's been too long and we're worried about you." Dakota added.

I sighed into the pillow. Depression had completely taken over and now I didn't have the slightest urge to move. I hadn't eaten in days or talked to anyone since I'd been locked in my room.

"Come on, buddy." Sam sat down on my bed. "We're here for you."

"I thought you hated me." I mumbled as I stared at the blank ceiling.

"Why would I hate you?"

"Because you threw a bottle at my boyfriend and I."

"I don't hate you, Lane. And I'm sorry about that."

"Can you take care of him, Sam? I really have to get to work." Dakota said as she looked at the time.

"Yeah. I'll see you later." Dakota walked out and Sam sprung up, throwing me jeans and a shirt since I was only in my boxers. "Get dressed, Mr. Moody. We're going out and you are going to have time."

Sam took me out to a restaurant downtown. After nearly getting lost a few times (he was pretty frustrated which was fun to watch) and listening to him sing off key songs that came on the radio, I was able to crack a smile. There was always something about Sam that made people happy. He was always fun to be around and lovable. Even though he had his own secrets and mysteries, he still made sure to take you away from the bad and bring the good along.

The waitress came over and placed our menus down. "First date?" She beamed.

Sam and I exchanged puzzled glances.

"Oh, w-w're not..." He stuttered.

"I mean we did but we broke it off."

"Oh, my apologies. What can I get for you two?"

"I'll have a Sprite and the Balsamic Chicken." I said.

"And I'll get a Coke and a burger with everything but onions." Sam smiled.

"I'll be right back with your drinks."

Once both our food and drinks came we waited until the waitress left.

"Switch." We both said simultaneously and slid our plates over to the other person along with our drinks.

We always ordered each other's food because that was one of the many great things about our friendship. That was then one thing I missed the most.

Once we paid, we walked to his car together.

"I forgot how fun it is hanging out with you, Sammy." I said.

"There's more where this came from if you'll be willing to hang out with me again."

"Definitely." He said as we got into the car. "Can you grab the charger out of the glove box?"

"Sure." I said and opened it to have books spill out by my feet.

"Of Mice and Men? Catcher in the Rye? To Kill A Mockingbird? Who are you and what have you done with my friend." I said as I scanned through the books.

"Don't judge, man. I've just been doing a bit of reading in my spare time."

"Why don't we go back to my place, get drunk, and read one of these bad boys? What do you say?"

"It's a done deal, Hart."

So we went back to my house and popped open a bottle of champagne then took turns reading from one of the books.

"Well, I better get going. I have somewhere to be but I can't remember where I'm s'posed to be." Sam slurred.

"I think you're way too drunk to drive, man." I said and grabbed the keys from him since I was slightly more sober than he was.


I chuckled.

"You know what's crazy?" He asked.


He crawled over to me (we were both too drunk to stand at that point so we were on the floor) and straddled my lap.

"I've been wanting to make out with you all night."

I stopped. "What?"

Without warning, his lips crashed to mine and he forcefully pushed his tongue into my mouth. But in that moment nothing else mattered but me and him. So I kissed him back.

The Insanity Of Losing You (boyxboy) {Book One of the Insanity Of... Series}Where stories live. Discover now