Watching, Waiting

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Miranda POV
I walked into the hospital room expecting to see Lacey in the bed. She and Blake were staring at someone in the bed.

I walked over and realized, it was me. "Oh shoot." I muttered. Lacey was staring down at me with a mixture of fright, anger, and confusion. Blake was just staring angrily at Lacey.

This was your fault!" Blake suddenly yelled. Lacey cowered away from him a bit.  "What!?" She yelled at the same time I did. "If she hadn't of helped you that day." He growled at her. "I didn't ask her to help me. I offered to pay for the tour. She wouldn't let me. I didn't want for any of this to happen." I had helped her because she needed help. How the hell would I know how it would turn out?

"Still...And that she..""Blake, stop." Neil said, walking in behind Blake. "It's not like I asked for this." Lacey whimpered, sitting down in the chair.

I wanted to smack my husband so hard right now....

I walked over to Lacey and sat next to her, rubbing my now ghostly hands on her back the best I could.

I kept trying to comfort her until she fell asleep.

I watched my husband for a while as he looked down at me, the newer looking Miranda. He hadn't seen me in a little while; but I had slowly started to change over the last few months.

I had lost a lot of weight, dyed my hair more blonde and chopped it off. I don't know what he thinks of it, but he hasn't said anything.

He just looked angry. Which was weird, we hadn't really understood each other lately. I shook my head to clear my thoughts and thought.

I was supposed to release my album next wait...this week.

I watched Kimberly being brought in by a nurse who propped her feet up on a chair. She didn't talk for a while. I realized, Lacey was sleeping!
"Lacey?" I jumped as Kimberly called. She didn't move any closer to Lacey, but she looked like she really wanted to. Lacey didn't move, but I could tell she was listening.

"Well, I'll bring you back some chicken nuggets anyway, in case you're hungry." She rubbed her shoulder. She took another sad look before shutting the door behind her.

"Miranda. I really am sorry for causing all of this. I really didn't mean to. It seems like me trying to protect you only made things worse. This is all my fault." Her voice broke and she started to cry. I tried to reach over and hug her, but I couldn't move!

She grabbed my actual hand and squeezed it.
"I want you to be my mother. You always have been, ever since I first met you. You're my true friend. I just feel awful for everything. And when you jumped in front of me...I knew you really did love me like your own kid. Please wake up. Your daughter is waiting for you. If you're willing to adopt her; because she's crazy." She laughed.

I laughed too, and squeezed her hand. She jumped and started laughing, tears coming down her face. I knew then that I wanted to wake up and I wanted her as my daughter.

I opened my eyes and looked up at Lacey. She jumped back and quickly pressed the nurse call button. I had an oxygen mask on my face and started to panic.

A nurse rushed in and took off the mask.

They checked all of my vital signs and assured me that I was alive and okay. "We just have to observe you for a little while." The nurse said, I rolled my eyes, laughing.

"I'm fine. But okay." Lacey came over and sat as close as she could next to me. "I'm so sorry." She said, tears welling up in her eyes.

"It's okay. You didn't do anything, honestly." I said, holding out my arm for a hug. She hugged me and cried into my good shoulder.

"Hard head." I laughed. She laughed with me, which was enough to make her stop crying. She sat down next to me. "No matter what Blake says. It's not your fault." Her eyes grew wide.

"That's right, sweetie, I heard." I smirked at her. "And I want to adopt you." Lacey didn't say anything for a few seconds, trying to process everything.

Then, she started to bawl. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!" She gave me another hug, I grunted. "Sorry!" She said. "It's okay. A little pain won't kill me." I laughed.

I heard the door open and glanced up. Blake strutted inside.

All Kinds Of Kinds~Miranda LambertWhere stories live. Discover now