Miranda POV
I drove as fast as I possibly could, speeding in and out of lanes. Lacey was loosing a lot blood, and it really worried me. She looked really woozy as we drove. We hit a red light and I blared my horn, going through the intersection!
I kept driving for a little while, never going under 60. I was used to this in Texas, but I don't think people in Tennesee really appreciated it. We flew down the road, Lacey had her head leaning against the window. "Don't fall asleep, okay, sweetie? We'll be there in just a minute." I said, she barely nodded.
I reached for the dial on my radio and turned up whatever song was playing. It happened to be "Boys Round Here" by the Pistol Annies and my husband. A car in front of me slowed to about 20, and I quickly swerved out of the way, barely avoiding oncoming traffic. I heard my phone ring somewhere in my car and sirens behind me. "Well, this is gonna be interesting." I said, trying to stay calm.
"Lacey, how are you hanging in there?" I asked, worried that she hadn't said anything for a while. I reached over and shook her. "mmm?" She said, not opening her eyes. I grabbed her undamaged arm and squeezed her hand tightly. I pulled over and waited as the police officer walked up to the window.
"What in the world were you doing!?" He asked me, clearly annoyed. "She needs stitches and has blood loss. My name is Miranda Shelton." I said, hoping he wouldn't laugh at me. He narrowed his eyes, "What kind of game..! Okay, I'll give you a police escort." He told me, jogging back to his car.
I heard sirens fire back up and he lead us to the hospital. I jammed my car in park and grabbed the keys. I ran inside and started telling the secretary, rapid fire. She called some men and I followed them and their gurney outside. Carefully, they loaded Lacey on it.
The police officer watched us from a little ways away. I sprinted over to my car, grabbed my purse, and dragged out my wallet. I grabbed a $20 and ran over to the policeman. Quickly showing him my liscense, I handed him the $20. "I can't take that." He said, waving me off. "Here, take it. It's the least I can do to thank you." I said, before sprinting off.
I ran inside and the desk lady called to me. "She's in surgery, but she'll be in room 202 when she's finished."

All Kinds Of Kinds~Miranda Lambert
FanficLacey all her life has been looking for somewhere to fit in. Somewhere to call home. When she gets moved to an orphanage in Nashville strange things happen. Can this be exactly what she was looking for?