Calm Before The Storm

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Lacey POV

We walked inside and all three of us unloaded Miranda's stuff. "Thanks." She told Carrie quietly as Carrie walked out the door.

I didn't say anything but turned to go upstairs. "Lacey, come here." Miranda said quietly. She sat on the couch and patted the seat next to her.

I turned silently to Miranda and sat next to her. To my surprise, she rubbed my back. "I am so so sorry for how I got angry back there. It's not your fault, sweetie. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time and got caught in the crossfire. And it's not Carrie's either. She just happened to help me figure out everything, that's all." She said quietly. Her shoulder was still heavily bandaged.

"I am really sorry for how both of us, me and Carrie, treated you when you were only trying to make sense of everything. Sometimes when I get scared or confused, I tend to throw it on other people as anger. That's what happened back there. And it's not everyday the man you're madly in love with decides to cheat on you. Repeatedly.

Look, I just want no hard feelings between us. I know this will be kind of different, but also the same in a weird way. I will try my best to raise you by myself and take care of you. Promise.

Just uh...if I disappear one night with a shotgun, don't be too worried." She laughed. I looked at her and laughed too.

"It will be fine. I'm furious at Blake because I hate cheaters, but I don't want that to affect us like it did earlier. I never want to take my anger out on you. I never want to intentionally hurt you, because I care about you." She said sincerely.

I turned to her and smiled. "Thank you. And I understand completely, I would be angry too. Heck, I'm angry for you. I appreciate you adopting me and being so accepting. I feel like I finally have a home. No matter how crazy it might seem right now, it's still my home. And you're still my mom. And I love you." I said. Miranda started to cry, but happy tears.

She tried to awkwardly hug me with both her arms and hurt shoulder. I grinned and hugged her back.

We sat for a little while longer, talking about growing up and our pasts. "Again, I'm really sorry that happened." I said finally.

She turned to me. "It's okay. It's not your fault. I'm just sorry you have to be caught in the middle..." Her phone started to ring. Both of us glanced down as she slid it out of her pocket.

Blake's name popped up on the screen. Miranda tried to hide it from me, but I saw tears running down her cheeks. I grabbed the phone from her and answered. She glanced at me, confused.

"Hello?" I said, faking a cheery voice. "Hey...oh! Lacey?" He asked. "Yeah!" "Where's Ran?""Oh! She ran to town real quick for some errands. What're you up to?" I asked with a sick grin.

"Just some work stuff, filming, things like that." He said. He sounded really sincere and convincing. Miranda didn't take her tear filled eyes off me for one second. "Where are you right now?" I asked.

"I'm...uh... Downtown LA. Why do you ask?" He sounded caught off guard. "Wait.... Miranda's downtown? You mean she's out of the hospital?" He asked quickly.

"Yeah! She was released a few days ago. She said she wanted to see you but didn't want to have to make you miss a shoot to hop on the plane." I almost growled. I could hear Miranda laugh bitterly in the background.

"Oh. That's sweet of her. That's just like Ran...." He trailed off. "Well, have her call me when she gets back.""um yeah no. Bye." I hung up really quickly.

"Does he not realize that we're on your phone....?" I laughed. Miranda glanced at me and laughed too. "Apparently not. So, I think I know what you're thinking. You want to make him admit he's cheating?" Miranda asked with a snarled grin.

All Kinds Of Kinds~Miranda LambertDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora