Where Is She?

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Lacey POV
"Mike doesn't know where she is?" I asked, concerned. "Try her phone." Kimberly gave me a look as if I had just told her the sky is blue.

"Okay....try texting it?" I asked. She shrugged and started typing. I walked back in to see my mom playing charades. She was flapping her arms (the best she could) like a bird.

I started to laugh and then turned back to Kimberly. "So what do we do?" I asked. "I'm gonna drive to her house." Kimberly said.

"Okay. I'll come to. Just a sec." Before she could protest, I ran into the dining room. "Hey, mom. Carrie's car won't start so we're going to pick her up." Miranda eyed me suspiciously.

"Okay. Please be safe. Let me know where you're at." She said, patting me on the shoulder. "Okay." I responded.

I walked back to KP and we took off.

"Where do you think she could be?" I asked. We drove out of the gates to my house and down the road.

We were about to pull onto the main highway when I happened to glance over. "Hey, stop the car!" I called to KP. She stopped and looked at me. I got out and walked down the side of the road.

"Hey! Come back here!" Kimberly yelled full volume. I ignored her and walked to the little ditch where I saw the glint of metal. "Hello! Anyone here?" I called. I saw a show move, as if someone had jumped up in front of me.

A person walked over to me slowly, my legs began to shake. "Who's there? I..I have a gun!" I managed to say. To my surprise, the other person laughed. "Who in their right mind would give a 15 year old a gun?""Carrie!?" I called.

Kimberly had now turned her car to face us. Carrie was wearing a leather jacket covered in dirt and her jeans were ripped with a bit of blood.

"What happened??" I asked. "Well....I was riding my bike and when I went to turn onto this road, a huge buck got in my way. So I swerved and went through some bushes into the ditch. I wasn't going very fast, thankfully." She said.

"Thank God you're okay." I said, hugging her. She hugged me back. "Where's your bike now?" I asked. She pointed into the bushes. I picked up my phone and called Miranda.

A few minutes later, Miranda drove her truck up to us with everyone inside. "C'mon! Let's get this rodeo started!" Kacey smiled. We located Carrie's bike and dragged it out of the bush.

Everyone lifted it onto the truck and all of us posed as Kacey took a selfie. We all laughed and tied it down before piling in separate cars. Carrie climbed in the one with me and KP, away from Miranda.

She sat in the back and let me sit in the front. "Are you sure you're okay?" I asked. "Yeah, I was wearing a helmet. I'm good." She said dully.

We drove back in silence, the radio down low. When we reached the house, I helped Carrie inside and to the couch. "I'm fine, honestly!" She laughed at me.

I heard boot steps and turned around. Miranda was approaching hesitantly. I stepped back to let them talk it out. "Hey." Miranda said with a little grin. She was holding peroxide and a first aid kit.

Carrie didn't say anything, or even look at Miranda. I walked over closer. "I'm sorry for the way I reacted." Miranda said, trying to get Carrie to look at her.

Carrie slowly turned her head toward Miranda. "And I'm sorry that I kept talking when you were trying to save Miranda the pain. I should've listened to you." I said, touching her shoulder.

"It's okay. I'm just sorry you had to find out this way." She shrugged. "It's okay. I just want you to know it's not your fault. Here, let's get you patched up." Miranda said, opening the first aid kit.

Miranda rolled up Carrie's pants and set to work. When she finished, Carrie had a bandaid on every cut, including the ones on her knuckles, and the one on her face.

"Okay, done. Man, that bush didn't even know what hit it!" Miranda laughed.Carrie smiled and laughed too. "It really didn't!"

Miranda shot me a look that said: we have to talk later" I gulped and realized I had lied to her. I nodded slightly.

We went back in the dining room and joined a game of BS.

All Kinds Of Kinds~Miranda LambertDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora