Lacey POV
I sat in the front seat of the truck before Blake could.Miranda sat in the drivers side and there was silence. " we are." I said quietly. "You're not even part of our.""YES SHE IS." Miranda exploded, turning around to face Blake. He reeled back.
"Why must you always insist that she's not apart of our family? Of whatever's left of it. I adopted her!" Miranda snarled.
I just folded myself up as tiny as I could in the corner and looked out the window. "How long." Miranda asked after some silence.
"How long what?" Blake asked. "You know what I'm talking about." I could tell she was trying to stay calm. Blake let out a heavy sigh.
"About a month to a month and a half." He said, I could hear him settle into the backseat. "Any others?" This question was met by silence that seemed to answer the question itself.
"I don't understand why. Why do this to me?" Miranda asked in a small voice. "It's stressful traveling so much. I have my own reasons." He said, his voice strained.
"I flew out to meet you several times while you were filming and on tour. Own reasons? That's not fair and you know it! Try again." She snarled. I could feel the bite in her voice.
"Fine. I also was tired because you don't want kids and I do." I froze in my seat, not bothering to look at either one of them.
"That was back then. I didn't want kids because I'm still a kid. I feel like I have too much left to learn and with all my touring and things, it just wouldn't be fair." I opened the car handle and stepped out of the truck, thankful we were still in the parking lot.
I began walking down the street toward the hockey arena. I didn't know where I was really or where I was going, but as long as I was away from them.
I reached for my phone and realized I had left it in the truck! I saw an old looking church with "The Ryman" on the front and tried the handle. It was unlocked!
I walked inside and to a door to my right. There were rows and rows of church pews. I had heard about this place, it was where all the country music legends performed!
I sat with my face in my hands for what seemed like hours. I felt a gentle hand on my back and turned. Beside me was a pretty blonde with curly hair that I'd never seen before.
"Hey! Are you okay?" She asked, sitting beside me. I just sighed. "Doing that good huh?" She laughed at me. I shrugged.
"Are you ready for sound check... I'll come back." I heard someone say before shutting a door. "Oh I'm sorry. Didn't mean to interrupt anything." I said quickly.
"Don't worry. I've already warmed up. You can tell me, I can keep a secret. What's wrong?" She asked. I turned to her. "Okay, promise you won't say anything?" I asked. She nodded.
"I'm adopted and my parents were arguing about my mom not wanting to have kids and my dad did. They were very upset with each other. For that and other reasons." I said, not wanting to reveal everything to a complete stranger.
"But the thing I'm confused on is if my mom is so dead set on not having kids, then why did she adopt me?" I asked, my voice quivering slightly. The woman sat back into the pew and thought for a moment.
"Did she say why or anything else?" "Well she said she felt like a kid herself and that she wouldn't be able to handle a kid with touring and things." The woman sat back and ruffled her blonde hair.
"Could she have meant actually having a kid and not adopting one? Cause whoever she is, I highly doubt that she would've adopted you if she didn't want to." She shrugged, squeezing one of my hands.
I thought about it for a moment and realized that she did talk about having kids.
"I think you're right! Thank you." I said. "Where are your parents now? I'm sure they're pretty worried about you." I blushed. "I have a habit of running away when things get tough. I don't mean to but it's what I've always known and how I've dealt with things. We were sitting in a truck and I left when they started talking about kids." I said.
"Here. I left my phone on the stage, how about we go grab it and give them a call?" She asked me. I felt really weird that I didn't know who this woman was but she seemed really comforting and nice.
We walked up onstage and she grabbed her yellow iPhone off of a speaker and handed it to me. I quickly put in Miranda's number and heard it ring once.
"Miranda Lambert speaking." "Mom. I'm at the Ryman. I need to talk to you. Could you come pick me up?" I asked in a rush.
"She's okay. Thank God." Miranda breathed. "I was about to have the police search for you! You're in huge trouble. But we can talk about that when I get there." She said, hanging up.
"Thank you." I said, handing the woman her phone back. "You're welcome! Do you like music? We can jam a little bit until your parents get here." She grinned at me.
"Sure!" I grinned. We played a few country songs before she launched into some originals. "You have such a cute voice." I told her with a smile.
"Aww thanks." She grinned. She set the guitar down when she heard the door open. "Lacey! There you are sweetie!" I heard Miranda say in relief.
"Mom!" I called, running off stage. "You're. You're Miranda Lambert!" The woman said, dumbfounded. She hopped off stage and joined us.
"I'm so sorry if she bothered you! But thank you for finding her!" Miranda grinned. "She wasn't bothering me! And it's more like she found me. But of course! I'm glad I could help." The woman smiled.
"Oh! What's your name?" Miranda asked. "My name is Cameron, but you can just call me Cam!" She grinned. I ran up and gave her a hug.
"Oh wait!" Cam called to me. I ran back over. "It's Lacey, right? Here. Let me give you my number in case you need someone to talk to." She winked.
Miranda handed me my phone and Cam put in her number with an, of course yellow, heart next to it.
"Bye!" Cam smiled.
We walked out of the door and as soon as we were out of the Ryman, Miranda turned to me.
"You are in serious trouble. Do you understand me?" She said in a low voice. Tears immediately came to my eyes. I ran toward Miranda and hugged her tight.
"I understand. I'm so so sorry. I just thought when you said you didn't want kids that I was being a burden to you." I said all in a rush.
Miranda laughed. "I meant a baby. Like a baby baby. Not a 15 year old! You know at least how to feed yourself!" She grinned.
We hopped into her truck and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped and turned around. "I'm glad you're safe." Blake said gruffly.
"T..thanks." I said surprised. "Just because I don't like you doesn't mean I don't want you safe." He laughed. "Kidding." It sounded like he was only half kidding.
"Bye." Blake said, getting out of Miranda's truck. "Bye." We responded. I heard the door shut and Miranda pulled away from the curb.
"Well that was civil. I thought I was going to have to call the police or the fire department." I laughed. "I wouldn't burn down my own truck. And there was a lot of yelling, but you missed that part." She said quietly.
"I'm really sorry." I said as sincerely as I could. "It's okay. To be honest I'm glad you weren't there for everything that was said. Let's just try and move past today, okay? Except for your punishment. Don't think I haven't forgotten." She said with a smirk.
I just sighed in response.

All Kinds Of Kinds~Miranda Lambert
FanficLacey all her life has been looking for somewhere to fit in. Somewhere to call home. When she gets moved to an orphanage in Nashville strange things happen. Can this be exactly what she was looking for?