Chapter 22

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I walked into the house way past my curfew. My mom was sitting on the couch. She didn't even flinch when I walked by. Glad to know she cares about me.

I walked to the bathroom running into my brother as I turned the corner.

"Where were you?" he asked.

"Does it matter?" I said, trying to get into the bathroom.

"Why don't you want to tell me?" he asked. My heart started to race, the adrenaline pumping through my veins.

"Not that I don't want to tell you but why do you care?" I replied.

"Just wondering," he said.

"If you must know I was out with Amanda," I said, trying to assure him.

"Oh ok, whatever," he said, leaving. I walked into the bathroom and closed the door, letting out a sigh of relief.

I was washing my face when I noticed the ring, Louis' ring on my finger. I was so lucky Todd didn't see it or that would be like world war 3. I pulled it off and stuck it in my pocket. Maybe if I put it on a chain he wouldn't see it.

I finished in the bathroom and made my way to my bedroom. I found a chain, sliding the ring on it and then slipping it around my neck. I placed it in my shirt and looked at my jewelry box mirror. You couldn't see the ring, it just looked like a normal necklace I would wear.

I changed into my pajamas and plopped myself on my bed. I heard a knock on my door a couple minutes later.

"Ya?" I said. The door opened and Todd stepped into my room.

"So what are you up to tomorrow after school?" he asked.

"Nothing, why?" I questioned. Since when did he care about my future plans?

"Because you are going bowling... with Carry and Larissa," he slipped in.

"Oh no I'm not!" I yelled.

"Oh come on! She's trying to be nice. She wants you guys to be friends and not hate each other."

"I don't her I just strongly dislike so there's no need for us to be going bowling because she already accomplished her goal," I said like a smart ass.

"Go or I won't drive you anywhere ever again and you can take the bus home from school," he argued. I thought about it for a couple minutes.

"Fine," I said angrily," But don't expect me to like it."

"Just pretend then. Oh ya me and Louis will be there too." My heart started to beat abnormally fast. I swear this is what a heart attack feels like.

"Wha-what?" I said, trying to contain my shock.

"Well I don't want to be the only guy and apparently Larissa has something for Louis." Bitch better back off of my boyfriend.

"Ok then," I said slowly.

"Plus you and Louis seemed like you were really getting along last time." Ya we get along great, I thought to myself.

"Ya I guess. I was just being a good host though," I said.

"Whatever. Just deal with it ok? And don't be a smart ass!" he said before closing the door. I don't know why he was telling me this, I'm still gonna be a smart ass.

I texted Louis wondering if he heard the news.

Me: Hey so any plans tomorrow? Like idk, bowling?"

Louis: Ya haha he texted me already. Its going to be..... interesting..

Me: I swear if that bitch hits on you I will shove a bowling ball down her throat

Louis: Haha relax babe. Your the only one I want

Me: Aw no but seriously what are we going to do?

Louis: What?

Me: We have to act like we don't know each other. I have to act like the awkward person I am.

Louis: And I have to resist kissing you and touching you which is going to be so hard

Me: Stop being so damn cute :)

Louis: I can't I was born this way :p And its not my fault you're so irresistible.

Me: I'm irresistible? What about you?

Louis: Just don't wear anything sexy ok? Even though that's still not going to help. You could wear a paper bag and I'd still find you sexy as hell

Me: I will now just to watch you squirm ;)

Louis: Don't do it, I'm warning you

Me: Ooo I'm so scared :p

Louis: You should be

Me: Admit it, your softy :p

Louis: Maybe but only for you

Me: Anyways I better go to bed. See ya tomorrow :)

Louis: Goodnight babe, sweet dreams

My Brother's Bestfriend-Louis Tomlinson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now