Chapter 48

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"Well it's nice to see you finally cleaned up!" I yelled as I walked into Louis' house. I didn't exactly tell him I was coming...or knock either.

The place was much cleaner than it was last time I was here. I even noticed he fixed the hole in the wall. The sooner we can get rid of those memories the better.

"Jess! What are you doing here?" he asked walking out of the living room. He came up to me giving me a quick kiss.

"I have sort of good news and bad news. Which one do you want first?" I asked. I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Um good news?" he said unsure.

"Well Tyler is suspended for a week," I quickly said.

"What?! Are you serious! Oh thank god." He pulled me in giving me a hug. "Wait what's the bad news?" he asked.

"Well he got kicked off the wrestling team and he's a little bit... angry..."

"Are you worried?" he asked his smile fading.

"A little bit. I mean I don't know what it will be like when he comes back. I feel a little better knowing that the teachers know now. Especially since Mr. L knows. He was quite angry about this. He even set the punishment for Tyler, his top wrestler."

"Wait... Tyler is a wrestler? For your school?"


"You don't think Todd knows Tyler, do you?" This never actually crossed my mind. I know they wrestled against each other before but I didn't think they would talk or anything.

"They wrestled each other in the gold match but I don't think they really talked."

"Oh well that explains why he hits like a girl. Wrestler's always hit like girls," he said. Or hit girls.

"Ya," I said. The thing that just kept crossing my mind was how mad would Tyler be? I just wanted to know what was going to happen in the future. I should be happy right now but I can't be, all I can do is worry. Mr. L can't have my back all the time.

"Well that should be the least of our worries right now."

"Ya," I replied. Those are the least of my worries. My worries were am I going to make it through the next couple of weeks unscathed and uninjured.


"Ya?" I said looking up at him.

"Stop worrying about it. I promise you you will be ok." It was like he knew what I was thinking. He pulled me towards him and I buried my face in his shoulder. Sometimes I just need one of Louis' hugs. They just made everything better. For those 2 minutes that he has his arms wrapped around me I feel safe.

"What if it's not ok?" I asked.

"I will make it ok. You know I'd do anything for you." He placed a gentle and lingering kiss on my forehead. He didn't say something very crucial, something I wanted to hear. The words, he won't hurt you. That's what I wanted to hear. He didn't say them on purpose because he realized that Tyler is the one thing he can't protect me from.

"Well at least we have a week right?"

"Yes we do. A week to work on us."

"What should we do first?" he asked.

"Well I mean it is Friday..." I wrapped my arms around his neck instead. "So we can do lots of things." I just need a distraction. Louis is a great distraction.

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