Chapter 69

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I woke up with a pounding headache and I still have that puking feeling even though I'm pretty sure there is nothing left in my stomach to puke up. I'm an idiot, a huge idiot for drinking that much and making a fool of myself. This will be the last time I ever pick up an alcoholic beverage ever.

I rolled over expecting Louis to be there but he wasn't. I really needed to apologize for being a bitch and making him babysit me all night. Also there is some things we need to talk about that happened last night.

I got up from the bed, stumbling and stubbing my toe on the bed side table. I groaned and limped to bathroom first before I found Louis.

I quickly went to the washroom and fixed myself, my hair a tangled mess. I even rubbed toothpaste around my mouth and rinsed it out, hoping to get rid of my puke breath.

When I finally decided I was presentable I walked to the kitchen to find Louis.

There he was standing at the counter, shirtless and in a pair of sweats, his back towards me.

"Good morning," I coughed. He turned around and leaned against the counter.

"Good morning. How are you feeling?" he replied. We kept our distance from each other, neither one of us daring to move.

"Like an idiot," I sighed. I reached up to scratch my stomach and that's when I realized I was still in my underwear.

"Why?" he asked. He took a few steps closer, closing the gap.

"Because I just am." He looked down at his feet and didn't reply. Oh great he agrees with me. "Look Louis I'm really sorry, for everything."

"You don't need to apologize," he told me.

"Well I am so listen. I'm sorry for making you take care of me. I'm sorry that I am a terrible terrible girlfriend. I'm sorry that I said the things I did. I'm sorry that I am a bitch and I'm sorry for lying to you. But most importantly I'm sorry for hurting you and pushing you away when you were just trying to help."

"Wow that's a long list," he awkwardly laughed.

"It's probably longer but that is all I can think of right now." It was quiet between us. Maybe we should talk things through later when I'm not in my underwear and smell like I rolled around in a pool of liquor. "Ok well I'm going to call Amanda and get out of your hair. Thanks Louis, you are the best boyfriend a girl could hope for." I turned to walk away and he grabbed my wrist pulling me back.

"Wait I don't want you to go. Unless you want to go?" he questioned.

"Well I just thought since-"

"I'm just sort of confused because I want you to stay but if you don't to stay then I don't you to stay just because of me. I want you to stay because you want to stay and not because I forced you." What? That is so confusing and I have no idea what just came out of this boys mouth. It was like a riddle. "I want you to make the decision to stay or not."

"Well I want to stay I was going to leave because I thought you wanted me to leave."

"No of course not." It was silence between us again.

"I have a feeling that we just discussed something else other than leaving." I think he was talking about our relationship. And I kind of was as well. "Do you want to be with me Louis?" I asked. He looked down at his feet for awhile. Then his blue eyes came up to meet mine.

"Of course I do Jess."

"Can we be together is the question. Can we look past all this?"

"I don't know..."

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