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I'm an idiot. Help.

It's not like I do it intentionally, I'm just naturally clumsy and have bad luck.


Not to mention I'm extremely shy. So any how, back to my cry for help.

Bad idea 1) I was speed walking down the hall.

Bad idea 2) I was cradling all my books, text books, and papers in my arms.

Bad idea 3) I was staring at the floor, muttering things to myself.

So yeah, basically a recipe for disaster, especially when it comes to me. My eternal curse of bad luck makes it so I can trip on anything. My own feet, pencils, air. Carrying valuables whilst staring at the floor is not a good idea for me. But here's your girl Twelve, doing it anyway, being rebellious. Yes, my name is Twelve, why my mother named me that? I have no idea.

Anyway, as I bumbled down the near empty hallway, obviously because of my spectacular luck, I found the one person to run into. And not any normal person. It was him.

Him is the scary goth I see around the school. I noticed him in the seventh grade. He's always towered over me, but now he's well over six feet. He has pale skin, and wears black everything. I avoid people who scare me. He is definitely one of those people. He also has choppy black hair that expertly conceals his eyes. Everything about him seemed unapproachable.

And I ran into him.

Of course all of my things, including me, fell to the floor. He, however, didn't move an inch. As I fell I caught a glimpse of his eyes and I could swear they were a bright neon yellow. However, I didn't get to stare for too long before my butt hit the floor.

Part, well, most of me expected him to keep walking. But he actually knelt down and started helping me gather my things. With trembling hands I helped as well.

As he went to stand, I knelt down to grab one last thing. So his head rammed straight into my mouth. Stumbling and fumbling, I somehow managed not to trip again.

That was the first time I'd ever seen him smile...sort of.

The corners of his lips upturned in amusement. It was one of the most beautiful and smallest smiles possible. He handed me my things only saying one word.


His voice was quiet, it was almost like he didn't want to be heard.

In response I stammered, "Your welcome - I mean thank you!" And hurried off as fast as I could without tripping.

I still did but at least it was out of his line of sight.

That moment was in the 9th grade, and I was convinced I'd never see him again.

But fate thought otherwise.

If you've been following me from the beginning then you probably recognize this book title. One of my old fan favorites before I had to delete it. Whelp, I'm rewriting it, so enjoy!!

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