Ch. 14 Dreams.

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Small laughter escaped my lips, and Angel just smiled at me. "I'll put my shirt back on." I was surprised by the part of me that wanted him not to. Glancing at the clock it was one in the morning. Thank god tomorrow was Saturday. Angel slid on his shirt and jacket, and turned back to me. A smirk playing on his lips. Suddenly I realized how much I loved to see him smile. 

"Let's go somewhere." I stated suddenly. Angel arched his brow. His face said really? 


Partially I just didn't want him to leave yet. 

"Okay." He said. Walking over to my closet, I opened it and slid on a sweatshirt over my long sleeved shirt. My boots were still on. "Do you want me to carry you through the window?" He asked as I lifted up my cellphone and put it in my pocket. I gave him a confused look, "We can just walk out through the front door." Angel nodded and stalked quietly behind me as I walked down the stairs. Mom was asleep. I locked my bedroom door before I left so she wouldn't be able to get in to my room. 

Angel and I exited the house silently, and walked down the slightly snowy sidewalk. "Where are we going?" He asked, I shrugged, and eventually I asked, "How did you get in my room earlier?" Angel's mood sobered instantly. "Since I'm a Halfling, I have some abilities of Angels and Demons." He started, I turned left into a park and he obediently followed. We sat at the swings, kicking up snow as we lightly swung. "Angels can make things happen at their will. Small things, but still things. Like making a gentle breeze. I can sort of do that too, but I have to really focus. So I only use it for emergency situations. It can do things, like unlock windows." I noticed Angel stiffen a little and his eyes get glassy. "Are you alright?" I asked gently, resting my hand on his shoulder. "Yeah, it's just when I saw you collapsed on your bedroom floor, I thought you were dead." He whispered, leaning forward. I guess the whole thing shook him more than he let on. 

"I'm not, because of you." I said, surprised he cared so much. He wiped the tears from his eyes. "It just scared me because you're the only one who's ever really accepted me." Angel explained, I nodded sympathetically. He sighed, "I guess your follow up question is how did I use my blood to make you better?" I nodded. Running his fingers through his hair, he stared at the ground. "Angel's blood can heal, Demon's blood can kill. I'm both so I have both, the right half of me is pumping with blood that can heal, the left is poisonous blood. I couldn't think of anything to do to really save you, so I used my blood. I didn't know if it'd work for sure. Guess I know now." He explained. 

"Did I ever tell you about that time I nearly stabbed myself on accident?" I asked, abruptly changing to topic. Angel let out a sort of confused laughter. "How does that even happen?" He asked, I pushed and swung a little higher, smiling. His eyes were glassy but he looked happier now. 

Shrugging, I felt my hair sway as I pushed higher. "Really wanna know?" I asked, he nodded, pushing too. We both had to fold our legs tightly so our feet wouldn't hit the ground because of the low swings. "Yes," He said. 

"Well it all started with a package of unthawed hotdogs..."

At that I talked away, Angel chuckling at my clumsiness.

I wished every night could be that blissful.

But eventually all dreams turn into nightmares...

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