Ch. 43 In A Dark Room?

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It was cold and dark. I was in a dark room, filled with water, I couldn't see anything. My movements were sluggish as I moved my head, I was floating. Then, I saw it, a small raindrop of light. My arm moving slowly, I extended my fingertips. They brushed against the small droplet of light, and it illuminated the palm of my hand. As if being tugged gently toward it, my body floated listlessly to the creamy bright light. Achingly slow, I wrapped my fingers around it. Then the light spilled everywhere, and I was cast into a foreign memory.

Elluin stared as she walked by him. Her ivory figure gliding past. He couldn't let her leave. No, his love was teeming over and he couldn't watch her leave him. Not after everything. He caught the ends of her soft pale hair in his fingertips. Sadness overwhelmed him, "Hadraniel," Elluin whispered her true name. She turned to him, her eyes were dark colored, and glassy with unseen tears. "Please my love, don't tempt me." She whispered, taking his hand in hers. As she did an inky color spread from her hands. "I might become demonic if we continue." Hadraniel whispered. He stared at her, a tear spilling from his steady gaze. He remembered saving her, remembered the soft feeling of her pure lips against his. Remembered professing his love. Elluin had been alive a long time, and never felt this way about anyone. But of course Hadraniel wasn't anyone, she was an Angel. A beautiful, delicate Angel that felt the same way about him.

She stroked his blonde hair, her fingers trailing down to his black suit. "You should wear brighter colors." Her voice was thick with sadness, and Elluin laughed softly. "Didn't realize you were a fashion critic as well as an Angel." He whispered, trying to avoid the tears that stabbed the backs of his eyes. She chuckled, but before she could return her hand to her side, Elluin held it against his chest. The tears fell faster.

"Don't leave."

Never before in his life had he sounded so shattered. So broken. Not in the Seelie Court when he'd been flogged for falling in love with an Angel. No. The only thing that killed Elluin was the thought he'd never see Hadraniel again. "Please," Elluin fell to his knees, "don't leave me alone. Don't leave me to rot for an eternity without you. I need you." He lost his grip on her hand, not wanting to force her to stay. If she stayed she might lose a lot of her Angelic grip on herself. There was a pause as Elluin's body racked with sobs, he held a hand over his eyes to hide the tears. For a minute he thought she'd left him until he heard her soft words, "Elluin, rise." He looked up, and there she stood.

Shakily he stood up. Hadraniel softly wiped away his tears, "I will never leave you like you are. No, I can't leave you." Her voice was soft, and Elluin smiled, then he knelt slightly, pausing, his lips an inch from her's. "May I?" He asked. She nodded, and Elluin softly pressed his lips against her's. Hadraniel kissed him back and neither of them let go.

Suddenly, I was back. Odd knowledge filled my mind. Then twisting my torso, I saw another droplet of light. Gently swimming towards it, I grasped it and was thrown into another memory.

Hadraniel and Elluin raced to the hospital. "No!" She gasped in pain, "No, hospitals, what if they're there?" She asked, he looked at her. Her human disguise muted her beauty. She had bleach blonde hair and pale skin with dark eyes. Elluin shook his head, "They'd never think we'd go to a human hospital to have her Hadraniel, trust me. I'm one of them." Elluin insisted, her hand went to her plump stomach. "I can't believe we're doing this."

"That child is the harbinger of the -"

"I don't care about a prophecy!" She gasped in pain, "This is a child, she shouldn't be forced to be anything else." Hadraniel managed to say before inhaling in pain. Elluin parked at the hospital. Helping her out. He easily supported her as they rushed in. Quickly they were looked after, and rushed to a room to have the child. Hadraniel tightly gripped Elluin's hand. "I can feel myself weakening Ell-" She cut herself out by letting out a shout. Elluin felt fear grip his heart. He couldn't raise a child without her. "I need to return home soon. Promise me something!" She started.

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