Ch.6 Rose Petals.

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Because I fell backwards and threw my arms up to shield me, the snake's fangs latched into my forearm. I stumbled, but because of the extreme pain stemming from my arm, I blindly tripped over my other foot, and fell. My back hit the bathtub and shower curtain. Ripping the poor curtain from the rod. It missed my head by mere centimeters. The snake let go, but the damage was done. It quickly slithered away, and I cupped my forearm as blood poured from it. The door was thrown open.

"Oh my god, Twelve!" Angel exclaimed, kneeling in front of me. "What happened?" He asked, awkwardly floundering his hands around as he tried to figure out what happened. "A snake," I answered. He calmed as he figured out what happened. He rested his hands on mine, making me look up. The way he stared back at me with his dark blue gaze, it seemed like the world melted away. Dark blue rivers swirling with all the answers. "Twelve, you need to let me see the injury." He stated calmly. I nodded, offering my bloodied arm. Slowly I unwrapped my fingers, revealing two thin gashes in my forearm that were bleeding more than I think an average bite would. He quickly grabbed a towel, wrapping it around my arm.

He noticed me staring at the ceiling. "Twelve?" He asked, "Blood makes me feel ill." I responded. I felt the blood leaking from my arm, I knew if I looked at it I'd puke, faint, or both. "Okay, just keep a steady breathing pace, and close your eyes, stay here for a few seconds." He got up, and I slammed my eyes shut, holding the towel in place. Surprisingly fast, he was back. Gently moving my shaking, bloodied hand, and I felt him wrapping gauze around my arm. "We'll get you to the hospital." He assured me. I was already feeling nauseous and sweating all over. "How?" I asked, we were having a flash flood. "Twelve, open your eyes."

My eyes opened and I was looking right back into his intense yet reassuring dark blue eyes. "You're going to have to trust me." He held my hands in his warm ones, and stared at me with a strength I'd never seen in him before. I nodded, and he once again vanished before returning with a rain coat that was way too big for me. He helped me stand and I was becoming more nauseous by the second. The coat enveloped me in warmth. He slid on his shoes, and pulled the hood up over my face, "Angel?" I asked groggily. "You'll be alright Twelve, I swear." He stated, we stood at the front door. "Whatever you do, don't move." He ordered, pulling me towards him. At first I thought he was hugging me. But he actually lifted me like you would a toddler, my face buried against his chest. One of his muscular arms underneath me, and the other wrapped firmly around me.

I kept my face buried against his chest, my breathing getting more shallow by the minute.

Angel stepped out, and I felt the rain stabbing into my coat. Then I heard weird rustling, and suddenly we were moving really fast. However, I couldn't stay conscious, and before I knew it, the world faded away.

When I woke up, my arm was still bandaged, and I was in a hospital room. The moon hung in the sky and illuminated the dark room. I was too tired to fall asleep. I blinked and when I opened my eyes, I saw him. The mystery guy who looked exactly like me. He leaned against the window casually, before noticing my staring. "Oh, hello." He acted like was the one who wasn't supposed to be here. I found myself unable to respond. He approached me quite casually, and I found myself unable to move. "Despite what you probably think, I do care about your well being." He stated, resting his hand over the gauze on my forearm. Suddenly it started glowing white, and my arm was icy, then it went numb. I stared up at him.

"I'm glad I've found you Tarasynoria." The foreign name rolled off his tongue with pristine ease, and for some reason, I felt like that name belonged to me. "My presence however means that I'm not the only one who knows where you are." He leaned forward, his other hand reaching towards my neck. My heart nearly stopped as his fingertips brushed against my collarbone, "Be prepared halfing. From hence forth your life will no longer be what it once was." He pulled back, and vanished in a flurry of white rose petals. They fell onto my bed, and around me in the empty room. I slowly picked one up, turning it over in my fingertips.

Was this mystery man friend, or foe?

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