Ch. 31 Good To Be Back.

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My head felt heavy, and my eyes fluttered open slightly. My fingers gingerly glided over surprisingly soft bed sheets. "Ugh?" It was the only question that could escape my lips, "Twelve!" Angel exclaimed, he gently helped me sit up, and pressed a glass of water to my lips. Clearing my head, I leaned forward, looking around. "Where are we?" I asked, "A hotel in the Archives." He answered, looking around it was just us two in the room. 

Not asking questions I looked at Angel, brushing his hair from his face. He looked back at me with his neon yellow eyes, and I smiled at him. "It's good to see you." I stated, my hand lingering on the side of his face, however, before I could move it, he gently pressed the palm of his hand against mine, keeping my hand by his face. With a shuddering breath he looked at me through the strands of his obsidian hair. "I was so worried, you were unresponsive and," he inhaled another breath, "at one point you weren't even breathing." He squeezed his eyes shut and some tears leaked out. "I was terrified." His grip on my hand tightened, "Angel, I'm so sorry." I remembered everything from my dreams this time, and it was knowledge I didn't want to burden him with right now. He was already worn thin. 

Lifting myself, I faced him as I shifted position. We were sitting facing each other. "Angel." I murmured, brushing his tears away. He looked up, "I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't be the one crying. I'm just so relieved." He rambled, "Angel." I repeated more firmly, he looked at me, and I didn't hesitate. 

I pressed my lips against his.

Honestly, I intended for it to be a peck, just reassurance. But all those images of Nix flashed into my mind, and I didn't want to let go. I wanted it just to be us, here, for a few more seconds. No prophecy, no homicidal demons, or oddly detached angels. The feeling seemed to be mutual on some level, because Angel didn't push away. My heartbeat was speeding up, and I felt Angel's heart speeding up underneath my fingertips. I've never made out with anyone before, but I learned quickly. His hands that were resting on my thighs before now gripped them tightly, and we were both locked in the embrace. Both of us gasping for air before pressing against each other again. My heart was beating faster and faster, and I knew I didn't want to stop. Angel's lips were slightly chapped, and rough against mine and I could care less.

The world around us scattered away with the wind, and suddenly one of his teeth sliced open a small cut on my lip, his heartbeat was speeding up underneath my fingertips, and he pulled back. His grip on my thighs loosening. My fingertips went to my lip, it was bleeding. Looking up, Angel was panting, looking down at his hands, his lips were parted to show teeth that looked more like sharpened fangs. He looked up, his eyes looking more sultry than usual. His gaze flicked down to my lips then back to my eyes. My heartbeat was barely slowing down, and my hand still rested against his chest.

We were both completely flushed.

"I'm sorry."

We said to each other at the same time as I retracted my hand. He moved his back as well. "So the teeth, does that happen often?" I asked, he shrugged, "When I transform I don't just get wings, I also get sharpened teeth, and I transform when my adrenaline is pumping so I guess my body processed what we just did as danger." I stared at him for a few seconds before the whole situation appeared in my head, my lips curled into a smile and I fell backwards.

"Twelve?" Angel asked.

"Sorry, I'm just freaking out." I answered, "Why?" He asked, "Well because I just made out with you, and the situation kind of just appeared in my head, and it's kind of surreal. You know because you're so attractive and I'm just like a lump that just sits there you know?" I explained, hearing his chuckle, I felt weight on the bed as he laid next to me. Because we were horizontal, both our legs hung off the side of the bed. "Well, if it makes you feel better, I feel the same way about you." Angel stated, lacing his fingers though mine.

Smiling, I let out a content sigh.

"It's good to be back."


Sorry about the late update guys.


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