Ch. 2 Midnight Symphony.

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Angel was less than cooperative when it came to the project. It's been two days. I tried to exchange ideas, talk about meeting up. All he did was stare at me. Like I was some foreign object he was trying to decipher. And finally when I just leaned into my hands and pleaded for the world to swallow me whole, that's when I heard something I never thought I'd hear. He let out a breath of laughter, I glared at him. His dark blue eyes widened slightly, "Are you laughing at me?" I asked, he arched his brow slightly. "Understandable, if I were you I would too. The girl who can't walk in a straight line trying to convince her complete opposite to work on english project." He continued to stare.

Rubbing my face, I nodded at his complete silence, "It's a funny prospect to think about." I agreed. His expression was confused, it seemed to say, why-are-you-talking? Even though his facial expression hadn't changed even slightly. "I don't know why I even bother talking either," I replied to his expression, people glancing at me like I was insane as I tapped my pencil against the desk.

The bell rang and I gathered my things, heading out.

The day was uneventful, until that was, the end of it.

Stepping out of the school, I saw Raven and her clique fast approaching. As quickly as I could, I started rushing in the opposite direction. I just wanted to go home. But that's when I saw it. A guy, he had pale blonde hair, and tan skin. He looked like he could be my sibling. I froze in my step and our eyes met. His eyes widened slightly in surprise as he saw me. Looking at him, I was completely frozen. He looked like the male version of me. He took one step towards me and then suddenly a flood of jocks cut off my view, and I turned to see Raven. The thing about that guy is I've seen him before...

Raven and her servants cornered me against the wall, and I was too distracted to fight back. "So, you think about my proposition?" She'd offer to clear a spot on cheer for me. I stared at her blankly, when out of the corner of my eye, I saw a black blur. Angel. We made eye contact and he inspected the scene. Where I was completely cornered and pathetic. Leaning against the wall, I ran my fingers through my hair. "Just punch me already." I knew it was going happen. Raven sneered and I stared at her. My face a blank slate. Usually Brenda did the punching, but suddenly I heard my name.

"Twelve!" Looking up in surprise I saw Angel. He'd called out to me? Everyone froze in surprise, looking at him. He jerked his head to the side, indicating that I should go with him. Raven and her clique were so startled I slipped through them and walked towards Angel.

"Yes?" I asked, following him as he silently walked. As we passed the corner where I saw that guy, he had vanished.

"I figured I owed you." Angel murmured, grabbing my attention. "What do you mean?" I asked. He looked at me, "Well, in class you actually try to talk to me. That's more than a lot of people." He answered, I looked at him in surprise. "Oh, thank you." He arched a brow in an expression that said why-are-you-thanking-me?

"Not a lot of people help me with Raven."

He glanced down at me, "I'll walk you back to your house, maybe we can talk about project ideas..." he trailed off. My lips curled into a smile, "That sounds great actually, I would love that." My smile faltered, "Unless my house is far from your's, I wouldn't want you to have to walk for so long." I added, he shrugged. His expression said either I-don't-care or I-don't-mind. We spoke but my mind kept wandering back to the guy I saw earlier. He looked exactly like me, except he was male.

Angel glanced at me, curiosity painting his features. I realized I'd been absently staring forward, and then I noticed we were in front of my house. "This is my house," I said, we stood at the tiny white gate that lead to my front yard. It went up to my hips, so it was there just for decoration. Angel nodded, and before he could leave I stopped him.

"I have a question,"

He arched his brow.

"Did you see anyone who looked...weird?" I didn't want to straight up tell him I basically saw my twin, he'd probably think I was crazy. Still, his face held a hint of curiosity and concern. "Define weird," he responded, I shifted uneasily, twirling my fingertips through my hair, a nervous tick of mine. "I'm not sure how..." I trailed off. He gestured to himself, "My weird, or stalker weird." So basically scary or creepy. "That's not quite it." Once more I shifted my weight to my other foot. Angel inspected me, "What did this person look like?" He asked, I shook my head. I was probably just seeing things.

"It doesn't matter now." I responded, opening the gate and closing it. Angel gave me a lingering look, and in response I gave him a small wave, "I'll see you tomorrow."

And then I walked into my house, feeling his gaze glued to my back.

Mom was out at work, sighing I started and finished up homework. By then the sun was already setting, and so I headed up to my room. Mom and I were never rich, but she always made sure I had a sketch book. I'd gotten really good at my art over the years. I mean, I draw hyper-realism. And I always taped my favorite drawings up on my wall.

My room was rectangular, and faced the back of the house. The ceiling was slanted upwards in a triangular way, my bed was shoved in the corner next to the window, and my desk was across from it. Sitting down, I reached under my bed where I stuffed all my sketchbooks. Grabbing my most recent, flipping lazily through the pages I froze in horror. It was the guy from earlier staring right back at me. I barely remembered drawing him, but his face was calm, ethereal almost. In shock I dropped the sketchbook, and it fell to the ground.

My eyes were widened and I blinked a couple times before just kicking it sloppily back under my bed. I heard pages tearing in response but I was too startled to pay much attention. Shaking off my uneasiness, I knew I just wanted to shower and go to sleep. So I stood up and jogged to the bathroom.

The water was piping hot as I tried to burn away my increasing uneasiness. I succeeded as I stepped out of the shower, shoving on some basketball shorts and a sweater. The house was eerily quiet and dark as I stepped out of the bathroom. Slinking down the hall back to my room, I closed the door, and avoided looking underneath my bed as I plopped down on it. Thinking of recent events. Angel talking to me, that guy. Angel's eyes. Weren't they yellow? No, dark blue, wait no, light blue? Wait a second...

As my thoughts wandered, I finally succumbed to sleep.

However I was woken up at exactly midnight.

My eyes drooped open lazily as I heard the sound of a violin. Before I could just fall back asleep I realized that the sound was too close to be my neighbors. Sitting up I rubbed my eyes, and quietly walked up to my bedroom window. When I saw it, I froze in shock. It was the guy from earlier, the guy from the sketch in my journal. It was him. He played a mournful melody on his violin as he stood in the clearing behind my backyard. He had an ethereal glow surrounding him, and slowly as the notes drifted off into oblivion his eyes met mine.

His lips formed words and suddenly dizziness struck me, and my eyes snapped shut, the world going black.

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