Ch. 18 Offer.

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He grabbed my hand, and his palms were warm. My heart couldn't help but flutter when he laced his fingers through mine. He seemed slowly becoming more attractive the longer I stared at him. "I've prepared something for you." Nix said, he sounded eager, but for some reason, there was a hunger in his voice. Nix lead me to a banquet, with a long table that was grand but only had two seats. He sat me down and sat across from me.

We made conversation, but the situation was so odd. I was wary, despite how everything was geared towards making me more comfortable. Nix kept his easy smile as he stood, "Let's talk about what's happening Twelve." Once again he took me by the hand and started walking with me. "I'm not going to kill you," He lead us into a small room, there was a lot of scrolls and papers, just different forms of book in general.

He smiled at me as he leaned the small of his back against the desk. I felt panic course through me. "I would never harm you Tarasynoria," He stated as he had a frigid smirk on his face. My whole body stiffened. Only one person is supposed to know that name. Slowly I met his gaze. "No need to fear me, I have an offer for you." He pushed off the table, his arms still folded over his chest. "Right now, to you, I'm just a means of transfer. My company has been hired to take you, and give you to someone else, possibly be in slavery. But I have an offer for you," His smirk was playful, but it was obvious he meant business.

"You can be transferred, and I'll let you, you'll be filtered into a cruel slave system where you'll be tortured mercilessly until you are completely brainwashed, or," He sucked in a breath and a particularly disturbing, devilish smile tugged across his face as he looked back up at me, "you stay with me. You have guaranteed protection, you won't be put into slavery. You'll live a lavish life, all you have to do, the only thing you'll have to do is," he strode across the room towards me, and I quickly took steps back until my back hit the door and he loomed over me, he leaned in close, and I couldn't look away from his ensnaring dark eyes, "kiss me." It sounded so simple.

Protection from slavery, life of pampering, all just for one kiss. I felt my mind glaze over and my lips went to form the words yes, it was like his gaze was ripping apart all my willpower. Then I stopped myself, and remembered. The man in front of me, is no man. This is a demon in the form of man. Demon's can only feel greed. "What are you?" The words slipped out of my mouth before I could think. He smiled, "I know what you're thinking, demons can only feel greed," his quaking fingertips were inches from stroking my face. Except it wasn't like they were trembling from the urge to touch me, it was like he was holding back something else, "but then how were halflings made? I care about you, I care about your well being Tarasynoria," the mention of that name made me body fill with warmth, as he spoke I struggled to focus and not just lean in and kiss him.

An odd urge.

Very odd, not natural at all.

He pulled his hand back slightly, and leaned in even closer. Which made my heart start pounding. "I'll take care of you." He whispered, I struggled to keep focus. "That doesn't answer my question, what are you?" I redirected. Nix kept that easy smile, "What am I? A question with many answers, a simple demon, or more? Maybe I have to capacity to feel. Maybe you should trust me, I just want you." Greed painted every feature of his increasingly handsome face. He wants me. Me, the merchandise. Doubt flickered in my chest, "My question." I repeated. Though it was becoming increasingly difficult to focus. He leaned in his lips were close to my ear, and it sent shivers down my spine. "I'm the only one who can truly protect you." Nix whispered before pulling back.

"I've known you for a long time. I remembered when your father was cradling you in his arms." My heart leapt at the mention of my father. "You know my father?" I gasped in surprise. Nix's face was temporarily confused, "You don't?" In my dazed state, I stupidly shook my head. I shouldn't have, I should never have given him that leverage. Suddenly his expression turned into something extremely sinister and yet extremely attractive. "If you stay with me, at the price of kiss, I'll tell you who your father is." He offered. I knew in that moment I'd have to agree with him, and stay, but I still lingered. "Tell you what, I'll give you tonight to think it over."

He lead me back to the room where I'd woken up, and wished me sweet dreams before leaving.

I heard the click of a lock as I turned of the lights and laid down.

I knew I'd have to accept his offer.


Sorry for the late update, got temporary writer's block, also we're really close to our goal!!! We're at 291! Only 9 followers away!! Thanks for the support, can't wait to write the special chapter!!!❤️❤️😊😊

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