Ch. 27 Underwater.

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Walking downstairs, I looked at Angel. He was sleeping peacefully on the couch and I knew better than to wake him up. He needed rest. Letting out a sigh, I walked into the kitchen. For some reason in my mind the cure for boredom is always food.

Turning my back to the kitchen window, I suddenly heard rustling. Turning around, I saw nothing. Unsettled, I looked around before realizing my nerves wouldn't let me eat anything without throwing it back up. As I sat down, that's when I heard the murmurs.

The prophecy, the prophecy, the prophecy...

They wouldn't stop.

Stumbling up from my seat, the murmurs were turning into shrieks, and I stumbled out of the kitchen. Getting out, I looked up and saw a hideous creature standing over Angel. It was a woman? It at least had the figure of one, with ash grey skin painted in black streaks. Barely covering what had to be covered where torn up black rags of clothes, her eyes were pure black except for red slits as pupils, her teeth razor sharp. She was running one abnormally sharp and long, black finger nail down the side of Angel's face, murmuring something in a foreign language. Horrified, I screamed. She looked up and vanished in a cloud of black smoke.

"Angel!" I yelled, running over to him and shaking him. He didn't wake up. Prying one of his eyes open, it was completely black. The terrible wailing was back, I even slapped Angel to try to wake him up but it just left a red mark on his face. No use.

Stumbling up, regardless of if I covered my ears or not, the shrieking was loud. Turning around suddenly there were three figures identical to the first one, all screaming, baring their sharp teeth. Running out of the house, my feet didn't stop. I was running as fast as I could into the forest behind my house, onto the trail the mysterious porcelain colored woman showed me. Tripping, pain pulsed through me, I cut my bottom lip open on a sharp plant, but didn't bother looking to see what it was before I got up and kept running. I could tell they were right behind me.

Finally I reached the lake, turning around they were approaching me. Chanting something in some language that was incomprehensible to me. They got closer and closer, and I kept backing up. Suddenly one was in front of me, before I could even even, she slammed her hand into my chest and I went sprawling backwards.

Into the water.

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