Ch. 28 The Archives.

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I was in a boat, looking for Twelve. Where was she? Looking around the horizon, I saw something in the water. Paddling, I called her name.


She floated to the surface, upside down, her hair floating around her. Turning her over gently, I froze in horror.

Twelve was dead.

My eyes snapped open, I was on the couch. But I couldn't hear her heart beat anywhere near me, and it was like the side of my face was burning. Stumbling up, I heard a growling noise and the foul stench of demon. Pulling out my blade, I looked around. I don't have a simple blade, it's an Angel's blade, it looks like a plain grey cylinder, with the flick of my wrist, two blades would extend from both sides of the cylinder. It's like a staff sort of, except more lethal.

I knew my eyes were yellow, and I felt itching on my back. Well not on, more like in. When I'm in danger my wings have a habit of wanting to escape. All my senses went on high alert. My free hand went to my amulet, E gave it to me. It only had one use, if I pressed down on the ruby it'd summon him. Before I could press down, the front door opened. Looking over, I saw who I guessed was Twelve's mom. She stared at me puzzled, and then it pounced. At her. A brainless but dangerous demon. It was taller than both of us, it's skin was crimson red, it's eyes a blazing yellow. With claws for fingers and inhuman speed. Before it could reach her, I sank my blade through it's chest. Red liquid spewed from it, and it collapsed. It'd dissolve into dust soon, but now I was covered in neon red demon blood.

Twelve's mother's eyes rolled to the top of her head and I caught her as she collapsed. Turning, I slashed the throat open of a more human looking demon, blood poured down it's neck and before it could gain composure I impaled it. Carrying Twelve's mom, I put her in her bed, and said a quick blessing that would expel demons and keep them out, for a while at least. The demon smell was gone and I searched the house, nothing.

Heading into the backyard, I was tackled by a werewolf. It attempted to bite me and I managed to scramble out from underneath it. Why were demons appearing everywhere? Even though werewolves are Halflings, in wolf form they're brainless killing machines. Suddenly I couldn't control it, my wings were extending out from my back. The thing is the first ever time your wings come out, they're bloody, gross, and it's painful. Now I have two narrow slits on my back, that lightly scab over and I don't feel the pain when my wings exit my back through the scars. My various destroyed shirts did however. As always at first the wings lifted the shirt and then ripped it completely open, the shirt remains falling uselessly to the ground. The thing is wings aren't easy to cut, they're like steel, they deflect arrows, and to me, I use them as a shield to guard my exposed flesh. Despite my healing capabilities.

The werewolf launched at me, and I hid behind my wings as it scratched. Then swept my wings outward, hitting it and sending it sprawling. Launching, I lashed out my blade just as the wolf got back up. It attempted to dodge, but it was useless. I sliced open it's stomach, blood pooled out, and then I slit open it's throat. It fell to the ground a bloody, dead mess. Listening carefully, I felt my teeth changing too. The thing Twelve doesn't know is that I don't just get yellow eyes and wings. I get sharp, fang-like teeth replacing my other ones. They're good for piercing and tearing apart flesh. Like I said, part angel-part demon.

Inhaling I started following her scent path. However I gave myself an aerial view, wings pounding, I glided above the forest, and her scent stopped at a lake. Looking around, she was no where to be seen. Inspecting the surrounding forest, I didn't sense a demon. Retracting my blade, I put it in my pocket. The amulet still around my neck.

Gazing into the water, I saw a figure at the bottom, and I knew it was Twelve. Without thinking, I dove into the water. It was ice cold, but I didn't let that deter me. Swimming deeper, she was floating aimlessly with closed eyes. Wrapping my arm around her waist, I swam upward. Bursting to the surface of the water, I quickly dragged her out. Her clothes were wet and it was freezing. Beating my wings, I dried them off, and made sure she was breathing. Wrapping my wings around us to provide warmth, I held her close. Her head lolled.

What happened?

Shaking my head, water droplets splayed everywhere, and I pressed down on the amulet. Unfolding my wings, E was there. "What happened?" He voiced my thoughts, "Honestly, I don't know either, when I woke up her house had demons in it, her mom got home -"

E cut me off, "Is her mother alright?" I nodded, "I don't know if you can do anything to maybe make her forget what happened," As I spoke he approached us. Pressing his hand against the side of Twelve's face, the water was expelled from her lungs, and she was suddenly dry. "They're catching up." He said ominously. "Who?" I asked,

He looked at me, "Go to the Archives, I'll meet you there when I'm finished here. Also take this." He handed me another amulet. "If I don't show up after two nights, use it to make me appear. If I don't, run." E said, and then he vanished. Pulling Twelve close, I flew to my house and got a change of clothes. Laying Twelve on my bed, I retracted my wings, and packed some clothes. Raven appeared. "What happened?" She asked, I explained everything. Raven had her faults but she was dependable. "I'll pack some clothes, should I call Jessica?" She asked, I nodded. We'd need her help too.

"You won't need to." A voice chimed in, materializing from behind Raven, Jessica was there. She was already outfitted in gear. Raven disappeared to pack her things. "Did you pack your gear?" Jessica asked, I nodded. She inspected Twelve. "We'll get materials for her later." She stated, I nodded, and Raven returned. "We need to hurry, we're in danger." Jessica stated. We all gathered hands, even holding Twelve's limp hands in our own. I started smelling the scent of demon, and tightened my grip on Twelve and Raven's hands.

Before I closed my eyes, I saw Jessica's eyes glaze over silver.

Out of all of us, Jessica was the most powerful.

Suddenly the door exploded open and I caught of glimpse of the most horrifying demon I'd ever laid eyes on, then the world went black.


Hello lovely readers! Thought I'd give you that cliff hanger because I'm going to be taking a little writing break for the week we have off school for thanksgiving, hope all of y'all eat to your hearts content! (Also wrote it from Angel's P.O.V. cause I wanted to make the chapter special for y'all).


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