Ch. 17 Nix.

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The guy walked ahead, the gun he had grasped firmly in his hand. His muscles rippled elegantly with every step he took and he expertly scanned his horizons. Those weird demons were walking next to me, and I still had a plan. By this point both my feet were stinging in pain. My eyes kept jumping to the river and back. Everything about me was sore from being in the van and running. Honestly, I didn't know whether I'd have the strength to save myself if I made it to the river in the first place.

Out of nowhere, I saw the guy looking at me. When our gazes met, it was impossible to look away from him, his lips curled into a smile, and he winked before turning forward. It was like he got more physically attractive the longer I looked at him, and then I realized I was just blindly staring at his back like an enthralled idiot. Before I knew it, we were past the part of the river I planned to jump in. My heart sank, and then I realized something, I've never stared at a guy like that before, not even Angel. It was as if it was intentional. The realization sank in, there was more going on here than I thought.

Knowing there was no chance I could escape, I kept walking. The pain stemming from my legs was quickly getting worse as we exited the forest. As we reached the road, the guy abruptly turned around, and looked at me. His face looked slightly concerned, "You're bleeding." Despite his concerned tone his earlier words rang through my head, 'Keep the merchandise in prime condition.'

"Come with me, obviously these dolts can't do their jobs." He gave his minions pointed looks as he strode towards me. He was really attractive. When our eyes met it was like the world fell away, everything else slowed down, he was all I could see, everything else was blurry. Slowly he smiled, and it became harder to look away. Before I knew it he was right next to me, and he lifted me from the ground like I was nothing, and walked me to a sleek black corvette. Effortlessly he slid me into the passenger seat, and buckled me in. At this point I was getting really groggy.

"Don't worry, you'll be taken care of." He stated, closing the door and getting in the driver's seat. I could barely keep my eyes open and eventually I just gave up and fell asleep.

When I woke up, I wasn't bound and tied, or hurt. Or in immediate danger. I was in silk sheets, in a queen sized bed. My eyes snapped open as I was once again clear headed. Slowly sitting up, I realized I'd been changed out of my other clothes. I was in a soft, white cotton night gown that fell to my knees. Shoving the blankets back, my feet were bandaged. "What the hell..." I muttered to myself. Shifting around, I rested my feet on the ground, and tested my weight on them. It still hurt slightly to walk but not nearly as bad as before. Slowly, I stood and surveyed my surroundings. The bed I was sleeping on, was a canopy bed with dark velvet sheets and blankets. The room surrounding me had blood rest walls, a desk with a mirror at it, and a small changing area.

Tentatively, I took small steps. There was a note on the desk, it was on top of a pile of clothes. Picking it up, I read it. It simply had two little words; for you. Looking down, I saw the clothes. They were dark, picking up the shirt, it was a black t-shirt, and some black skinny jeans, (black was the main theme here), with black boots that had a slight high heel on them. I didn't have any other option, so I grabbed the clothes, and looked up in the mirror. I paused in surprise, my skin and hair looked better maintained than it did before I was abducted in the first place. My hair seemed a brighter bleach blonde, and my skin was astoundingly clear. Taking a step back, I had the clothes clutched in my arms. Quickly, I walked off. It was oddly unsettling.

Changing, I couldn't deny that the clothes looked good on me. I just looked better than before, and the pain in my feet was healed. Walking, I hesitantly walked to the door, scared of what would be on the other side. Slowly I rested my hand on the door, but before I could open it, it swung open, startling me. He was on the other side. He inspected me and smiled, "Feel better?" He asked, once again I was caught in his ensnaring gaze. It was paralyzing. Slowly, I nodded, and he smiled a little wider. "Who are you?" I asked slowly.

"Call me Nix."

We're almost at our goal of 300! I'm at 287 so far :D

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