Ch. 4 Thunder Storm.

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The whole walk was quiet to his house. Until we reached a path in the forest. You can tell it wasn't a handmade path, but rather, a path made from the many footsteps taken on it. "You live in the woods?" I asked, "We sleep in the trees." He retorted, I didn't realize it was sarcasm until I glanced over and saw a slight smirk on his face. "Oh whatever." I muttered, making him let out a breath of laughter.

As we started walking on the path, I noticed the raindrops falling from the sky. I looked over at him, "You think it'll just be a drizzle this time?" I asked, he shook his head. He was right, but I always hated the rain. Unlike the people who find the rolling thunder and lightning strikes relaxing, they scare the daylights out of me. After walking a while down the path, we reached an oddly modern looking white house. He opened the door for me as I walked in, and I muttered my thanks, texting my mom about where I was.

He lead me through the living room and into the kitchen. Everything in their house was eerily plain, from the milk white furniture to the ivory walls, the only color was the dark forest brown on their kitchen cabinets. Angel flicked on the lights and inspected me. "Yes?" I asked, "You might want to change your shirt." He reminded me, looking down, I noticed that it was, in fact, covered in paint. "Oh yeah, where's your restroom?" I asked, he guided me down a darkened hall, and left me to change.

When I got back to the kitchen I had to wait for him, because he had to change his jeans, jacket, and shirt. I laid out our poster board on his kitchen table, inspecting it. Sighing, I tied my wavy blonde hair back, some annoying strands falling in my face. Leaning over the table, I sketched out some ideas. In fact, I became so intensely focused I didn't notice Angel sitting next to me until I glanced up, and quite literally almost fell out of my seat. He chuckled at my clumsiness.

"How are you so quiet!?" I demanded, steadying myself. A coy smile played on his lips as he shrugged. I noticed he still wore dark jeans, but had on a white t-shirt. Oddly enough I didn't stare at the body defining shirt, but his arms. I'd never seen his arms because of how much he wore his jacket. He noticed my staring and raised a brow. I felt my face flush red. "I'm sorry, it's just your arms," I laughed, "never thought I'd see them." His lips curled into his signature small smile as he rolled his eyes. That made me arch my brow, "Oh, you being sassy? Guess that's two firsts in one day." I added teasingly. That made his smile widen a little bit more as he looked down at the our project. His eyes were now a light blue with some yellow flecks in them.

"Do you wear color contacts?" I asked, I could've sworn his eyes were a dark blue yesterday. He shook his head, I shrugged. "Maybe I'm just being weird." I responded. We both looked at the project, "Do you like my ideas?" I asked, he took my pencil and made some adjustments and it looked pretty good.

We worked for about an hour before my stomach let out a hideous rumble that made Angel chuckle. "Oh shut up, I'm only human." I retorted. He tried to smother his quiet laughter as I teasingly glowered at him. He stood up, stretching his arms towards the ceiling. The motion of his arms going upwards made his shirt lift and I saw a little bit of his muscular stomach and chiseled pelvic bones. I quickly looked away, ashamed for staring at him like a pervert. Since I knew my cheeks were probably pink, I let my hair down to conceal them. I was so wrapped up in my shame that I heard Angel mutter something but not what he muttered. "I'm sorry I didn't hear you," I apologized, sort of looking at him, but not all the way so he wouldn't see me blushing. How could he wear a shirt like that? He has a lady in the house! God, you're being stupid Twelve, he's wearing a dang shirt, a normal shirt that any guy would wear, you're just flustered. Once again because of my thoughts I zoned out, only to be yanked back into reality by Angel snapping his fingers in front of my face.

When I looked at him absently, I noticed his amused expression. Before I could say anything he asked, "Are you blushing?" Before I could answer a huge crack of thunder hit above the house, and it was the equivalent of a whip cracking off cement amplified by one million. I let out a squeak of fear, and leapt into the air. Right into Angel's arms. He caught me, surprisingly, but I didn't laugh and get out of his arms. I literally cowered against him until it stopped. When it did, I awkwardly climbed out of his arms. "Sorry." I muttered, awkwardly patting his chest as if that would get rid of my taint. He raised his brow, and I realized how weird I was being. I sank back into my chair, "I'm such an idiot." I apologized, he chuckled. "It's fine, at least now I know you're scared of thunder." He commented. Before I could say anything, more thunder rumbled making me flinch, and then I just giggled. Honestly I'm not much of a giggling girl, just because I know I sound like a retarded school girl whenever I do giggle, but I couldn't help but let an embarrassed giggle escape my lips.

Angel laughed at my response to the thunder.

"You're a dork," he commented, sitting back down.

We worked on our project for a long while until the power went out. Yes because the universe hates me and knows I hate power outages and thunder/rain storms, it was like, "Hey, we hate this chick, so why not make ALL THREE!!!"

Angel and I exchanged a look.

"Let me guess, you hate power outages too?"

I nodded with a small smile forming on my lips, "I'm a scaredy cat." I answered.

"I don't think you can exactly walk home in this weather," He stated, and he was right. It was basically flooding outside and the walk was long enough when it was dry.

We looked at each other, "It's already late, I guess you'll just have to stay the night."

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