Ch. 38 Don't Be Stupid.

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Jessica and I wandered the halls of the Archive, all of us were trying to think of a plan. E left to do something, so it was back to being us four. My eyes were on Jessica's bow, it curved beautifully. "Twelve," She started, stopping in her tracks. I noticed we were a ways off from the group. "What's up?"I asked, Jessica looked slightly upset. "We need to talk about the prophecy." She started. Nausea built up in me. I'd been trying to ignore that prophecy. "You know what it says." Jessica said, I felt a fist of unhappiness grip my heart. "You need to abandon earthly ties to fulfil it or we'll all be suffering for eternity." She continued despite how upset I was getting.

"Every time you almost complete the prophecy, Angel drags you back down. I care about him too, but I also know that if this prophecy doesn't happen," she let out a sigh. "I'm an Oracle in training, which means I get vibes of the future, confusing glimpses. But what I foresee if you don't let him go, well it's not confusing." Jessica stated. Water filled my eyes. "I'm scared." I breathed, she gave me a small smile. "You're a beautiful girl Twelve, you haven't even tapped your full potential yet." Jessica looked at the mark. "That's shaped like a shield because you're destined to guard humanity, you can't do that if you keep yourself tied down to him." She urged, my tears now flowed freely. "I wanted to say that, but we should head back. I just wanted to make sure you knew what will happen." Jessica reassuringly pat my back.

We started walking back.

"Jessica, I have a question. Have you ever fallen in love?" I asked, she stopped, her face thoughtful but also sorrowful. "Yeah, I have." Her voice was quiet, and she flicked her now sad brown eyes to mine. "How come you never pursued the person you loved?" I asked. Jessica's gaze went to where Raven and Angel sat talking. She sighed, adjusting her bow.

"There's a lot of reasons I can't pursue the person I love." She murmured, before I could ask more questions, she walked off. Angel looked up and saw me. He smiled, and I smiled back. Raven said something to him, calling his attention. Quietly I wandered off, deeper and deeper. Finally I reached the F section. They'd been looking here for a long time. The sections were huge, and it'd take forever before they'd get what they needed.

Looking at everything, suddenly the latin started making sense. I could read it as if were English, then something else struck me and made me dizzy. Fey, it was in Nix's journal. The Fey. Eagerly I started looked through the books, and I found one. It was about 200 pages, and it was titled. Fey, Faeries, The Seelie Court. Cracking it open, suddenly a white rose petal fluttered over, and landed on it. Looking up, and to the side I saw E.

"You found it. I was hoping you'd forget." E stated, strolling towards me. He didn't seem as friendly as before. Closing it, I took two steps back. "Yes?" I asked, he stopped. Today he wore something besides a completely obsidian colored suit, it had a golden tie that matched his hair. "I'd recommend not reading that." He stated. "It could have my father in it," I said. E nodded, "Exactly, you know the prophecy do you not? If you find out who your father is, it could be fatal." He said. "Speaking of fatal, you need to stop hanging around the little goth before he ruins the world." Suddenly a surprising wild fire of rage appeared inside me.

"You know what!? I didn't ask to be born into this prophecy! I didn't ask for this! PEOPLE EXPECT ME TO KNOW WHAT I'M DOING! YOU KNOW WHAT I KNOW!? I KNOW THAT I STAYED UP FOR YEARS CRYING AND BEGGING FOR MY FATHER TO COME HOME! I KNOW THAT MY MOTHER IS SUFFERING! AND I FINALLY FOUND SOMEONE WHO MAKES ME HAPPY AND NOW I HAVE TO ABANDON THEM! YOU THINK IT'S SO EASY TO DO THIS!? I'M A TEENAGE GIRL, NOT SOME WARRIOR! YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT'S LIKE!" My throat was raw from yelling and E looked taken aback. He sighed, "I know exactly what's it's like to abandon someone you love." He stated, I glowered. "Then stop acting like you're so much better than everyone, stop telling me what to do and try helping! I need to know this E, I need to know who he is." My voice was shaky from yelling and E narrowed his eyes. "Fine you want to kill the earth? Have fun. In fact, you might want to take this." He tossed a black leather notebook at me. Nix's journal, how is it not destroyed? "Fall in love go ahead. Abandon every family, every child, every innocent or guilty soul on this earth. Read that, and damn all of them. I mean do they even matter? You're a teenage girl having some emotional issues, so let's put Doomsday on the back burner. It means nothing compared to your weak, human emotions." His voice dripped with venom, and each word stabbed like a knife.

I didn't feel my grip on the books loosen and flinched when they hit the floor. E was literally fuming. A small flame appeared on his shoulder, and he patted it out. "Or, you can do the smart thing. Put that book back on the shelf, break up with your little man servant, and do what needs to be done." He stated. My whole body was trembling, and he walked up to me. I was to shocked to move. Grabbing my wrist, he opened my palm. "If you decide to be an idiot, here. It has my true name on it. Say it and no matter where I am I'll be summoned." E curled my hand into a fist.

Turning his back to me, he walked off, then paused.

"Don't be stupid Tarasynoria."

Then he vanished. No rose petals, nothing. He was gone.

In an instant my legs gave out from underneath me, and I couldn't move. My breathing was ragged, and the tears wouldn't stop.

Curling up into a ball, I let painful sobs rack my body until my eyes were sewn shut with tears, and I went unconscious.

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