Ch. 12 Never Asked For This.

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Dinner was surprisingly not awkward. Thank god. As Angel left, I absently clamped my hand over where my "mark" was. What was this? What did it mean?

Mom went to her room, lately she'd been falling asleep earlier than usual. Hurrying up the stairs, I opened my bedroom door. I was greeted by E. He leaned against my wall casually as if he'd been expecting me. He smirked at my surprise, "Go ahead, scream." He challenged. Narrowing my eyes, I clamped my parted lips shut as I closed my bedroom door. "What do you want?" I noticed my bedroom window was open. Which meant this wasn't some weird dream. He was really here, right in front of me. Pushing off the wall casually, he rested his hands in his pant pockets. He wore an all black suit. I couldn't deny that he was handsome.

"It seems you've followed my advice about the goth kid, consciously or not, it'll benefit you," he rambled. I arched my brow. "I'm interested in your best interests." He added, "Then why did you give me those visions?" I demanded, "The answer is one you can't comprehend right now Tarasynoria." E answered, anger coursed through me. "Why are you here?" I demanded, "I need to warn you of something." He said, anger continued to build up in me. "I want you to leave me alone," I snapped. "That isn't going to happen." E responded, "Leave me alone."

"Despite your brash mortal intuition, I really am looking after you more than you know." He stated. "If it weren't for you none of this would have happened!" I exclaimed, launching at him. I didn't mean to try to attack him, I was just mad. He effortlessly stepped out of the way, and I stumbled blindly before whipping around. My arm flicked out as I was going to attempt to slap him. Instead of dodging, he grabbed my hand with impossible strength. Suddenly my entire arm was in pain and I cringed but was unable to scream even though my lips opened to call for help. His eyes narrowed. "It really is in your best interests to listen to me Twelve." He spoke my name like it was an insult. I was trying gasp but was making no noise, and sank to my knees, struggling to breathe as the flaming pain encompassed my chest.

He let go and it all stopped. I sucked in a gulp of air, gasping as I curled up on the ground. "I don't have to be looking after you, you need to stop trying to be something you're not." He snapped, staring down at me with a disdainful gaze. I was quivering in fear. "You'll never be normal Twelve, you'll never fit in, you will never belong here." He continued. "You need to stop acting like you're normal, you've seen all the signs Twelve. You're a Halfling, and you're in serious danger." E stated, using the tip of his dress shoe to roll me over as if I was a useless corpse. "Alekionne or as you know him, Angel, already told you. That mark will be your best friend and worst enemy. It means your special, and being special as a Halfling means danger."

"I never asked for this." I gasped, "No one does." He responded mercilessly. "I'll leave now, with this parting advice Twelve. Don't talk to strangers." At that he vanished in a flurry of white rose petals.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I felt a tear leak out.

I never asked for this.

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