Ch. 30 Leave.

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His grip kept getting tighter, and I'd given up already, so why wasn't anything happening? I could see the confusion on his face, and that's when I realized something. In me admitting defeat, I wasn't scared. I had the upper hand now. And it gave me something all demon's hated.


Suddenly, I could breathe again.

"You feel it too don't you Nix?" I asked, letting him hold me against the tree. "I'm not scared, and now you've gotten yourself trapped inside my mind." I finished, he glowered at me. "Trapped? In the mind of an ignorant teenage girl? Not likely." I smiled, "It's pitiful how quickly you lost the upper hand here." His anger showed. "I might not be as strong as I would like, I can be a burden sometimes, and yeah, if we look at it, I'm kind of ignorant. I accept it, so I'm not scared any more." His brow furrowed, his grip loosening. "What do you mean, accepting it?" He demanded, I smiled. "You must be more stupid than I thought." I mocked, and suddenly I felt power thrumming through my veins.

"You took me to the beach, how about I take you somewhere now?" I asked, the scene morphed and we were at a fancy restaurant. Nix looked around, "In a situation like this you'd assume you're in control, but you said it yourself. This is my mind. At any moment I could make someone kill you in this dream, but I have some questions." Nix smirked. We were playing games, his forte. "Ask anything." He flirted, I smiled. "Can a demon truly feel fear?" His smile didn't vanish. "Why? Do you want to make me feel the pain for once?" I laughed, as a waiter gave us both drinks. "No, unlike you I don't thrive off of fear, I don't need it, it's useless to me. I may be a Halfling, but I'm not half demon, the need for your fear eludes me." I explained, he winked taking a sip of his drink before his face contorted in pain and he spit it out with blood along with it.

"Holy water?" He asked, wiping the blood from his lips. "If you don't need to me to feel fear why use it?" He asked, I stared at him with a completely straight face. "I'm not fully angel either, and I want answers. You and me both know at any minute I could make holy water rain down and watch you bleed for eternity unable to escape because you're trapped in the mind of someone stronger than you." His flirtatious smirk was gone. That sounded like hell, even for a demon. "See now that you've realized the situation you've put yourself in, we can talk as equals." I stated, feeling the power increasing in me. Looking down my skin was turning a golden color. "You know I won't hand the answers to you unless I get something in return." He responded.

"I'll make you a deal, you answer my questions honestly, completely honestly no half-truths, I let you escape to a physical body. We deal with each other on another day." I explained, his face lit up. "One lie from you however and I will kill you." I added, he smirked, "Do I get to have my say in this deal?" He asked, "No. You don't." I responded. "So Tarasynoria has come out to play." He teased. "Deal or not?" I asked, offering my hand. He took it. Demons can swear to do things, promise things, and lie, but demons always abide by the rules when they make deals because they can profit. Greed.

"So," He leaved back casually, "Ask away."

"Why did you abduct me?"

"You read the journal didn't you? The plan was there. You have our demonic child, it destroys and enslaves humanity."

"I saw something about experiments in the journal, what did it mean?"

He smirked, leaning back and exhaling. "Well Twelve is what you're named, but it wasn't on a whim. There were other before you, being developed for the prophecy." He answered. My curiosity piqued. "Developed?"

Nix smiled, "Well Tarasynoria, they didn't go for the natural route of reproduction, they made life with magic, and it wasn't working. Your father, unintentionally, went the more natural way of baby-making. His people tried to call him disobedient, but he played the scientific angle, but that meant that he had to go back to his former job. Honestly, you should be thankful. By keeping away, and occasionally giving your mother money, he was able to keep you isolated, hidden, safe. You didn't even know that you were part of this prophecy, so if anyone asked you wouldn't be lying. It was smart, but unfortunately the Wraiths had other plans, you met Angel, and that's what happened, but your father would always know how to find you. Twelve, the number that lead to success." Nix leaned in as he said the story, and I knew he wanted me emotionally vulnerable to make me weak. But I won't lose my strength, so I tossed them aside and focused on fact.

"Who is my father?"

Nix leaned back, inhaling with false sympathy. "While you are threatening, there's people who are stronger than you that I need to worry about."

"So you don't want to be set free?" I demanded, Nix glared at me.

"You're father Tarasynoria, is the most powerful, terrifying person I've ever met. And if I tell you what you want to know, I will surely be killed. Death or death isn't a win situation. Ask anything else, and I'll let you know."

I knew this would be the last one, my powers are fleeting so I had to make it quick.

"Why doesn't my father want me to know who he is?"

"Because, it's part of the prophecy, you knowing who your father is will damage your chance of fulfilling it. If I could, I'd tell you right now, but your father has made certain now that I can't, he made a deal with me."

I sighed, "Am I free now?" He asked.


He was gone in an instant, and so was my unconsciousness.

I'd wake up soon.

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