Ch. 26 More Of What You Want.

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Angel and I looked at each other and I sighed, rubbing my face. He held my injured hand delicately. "I know you don't want to do this Twelve, I wish you didn't have to." I give him a small smile, "Well I don't want to have to cover all the mirrors in my house like a crazy person so I guess we have to find him." I went to stand, and Angel rested his hands on my shoulders. "There's something I want to tell you." He said quietly. I looked at him, "What?" I asked. "It's about E, I've been thinking recently, and I don't think he's a demon or an angel." He explained, I raised my brows. "Halfling?" He shook his head.

"I've been studying him. My father trained me how to tell the difference between Angels and Demons. Angels are too detached they can't truly understand human needs, Demons they also don't understand human needs, but they do understand greed, that includes lust. They manipulate things we desire. But if you noticed, E doesn't exhibit either of these qualities. He's sometimes cruel but he isn't detached or trying hard to manipulate you into doing things. We assumed he was Demon just because we didn't like him, but that isn't what he is." Angel continued, his gaze getting kind of feverish, it's obvious he's thought a lot about this. "Because I was curious I visited the Archives." He stood up, running his fingers through his hair, and looking around. "Archives?" I asked, he looked at me, and then continued pacing around the room.

"The Archives is where every recorded moment in Angel-Demon history is, it has so many floors and before you can enter you have to swear your soul to a Siren that you won't cause trouble. When you make a swear like that to a Siren, you break it and your soul is ripped from your body. Anyway, like I was saying earlier, I went down to the deepest floor in the Archives, and started reading. Sometimes I brought Raven with me because she's more fluent in Latin, but that's besides the point." He stopped his pacing abruptly, he was kind of like a mad scientist raving about various experiments. "I started looking for anything to coincide with my theory and I found a couple things vaguely mentioning an ancient race that wasn't Angel or Demon." He looked at me, "If I could find the name of that race maybe I could find information on E." Angel finished, then he let out a sigh.

"You probably think I'm crazy."

"Maybe a little," Angel looked down and saw the teasing smile on my face. He rolled his eyes. "I didn't even know you were that curious." I stated, he shrugged. "I just -" He let out a little sigh. "When I find something that puzzles me I just need to know more about it or it drives me crazy. You know I read our whole chemistry textbook, all of it? I don't even have photographic memory or anything cool. I just wanted to know more. So when E started showing up and I didn't understand, I knew the one place I could find everything out is the Archives." Angel sighed, and I smiled a little. "It's alright, I don't think you're crazy. It's just another thing that makes you, you." I reassured him, he gave me a small smile. "I haven't slept in forever." He admitted. I looked at him in surprise. "What?" I asked, he shrugged. "Halflings can go for a long time without sleep, and every night I patrol your house then I go to the Archives, then when I'm done I check on your house again, by then it's five in the morning and I need to get ready for school." He looked a little embarrassed.

"Well you're getting some sleep right now." I let him lay down on the living room couch with a blanket that didn't even cover him all the way, and he was out in seconds. Smiling, I headed up to my room. Stepping in, I turned to close the door, and heard a familiar voice.

"A whole chemistry book?" I whipped around and E was casually leaning against the wall, my window was still locked, nothing had been moved. "How did you get in here?" I asked, he smirked arrogantly, "Magic." He whispered tauntingly. I glared at him, "What do you want?" I demanded, his annoying smirk just widened.

"It's more of what you want Twelve."

I crossed my arms, "There's a problem," I stated, E smiled. "I know that, but just say it." He said, "Say what?" I asked. "'E, I need your help.'" To make matters worse, he managed to exactly mimic my voice. It was kind of unsettling, but I just stared back at him. He circled around me tauntingly, "Five little words and your problems are solved." He whispered playfully. I glared at him but I knew he had the answers I didn't. "E, I need your help." I mumbled begrudgingly. "What was that?" He asked, I knew fully well he heard me. "E, I need your help." I said slightly louder. He pretended to look confused. "Sorry?" He asked, I narrowed my eyes. "E, I need your damn help alright?" I snapped, he flinched jokingly.

"Aw, not nice."

"I swear I'm going to stab you and watch you die."

"There's the loving affection I was hoping for."

He smiled, "So what's the problem?" He asked, "I've been seeing Nix in my reflection, in mirror, I spilled water today and when I knelt down I saw him in the reflection of the water, not me. It's like he's stalking me or something." E considered this. "I'll need to get some supplies before I can help, so I'll have to go but by tomorrow I'll be able to help." He stated. I nodded, and then out of no where he grabbed the wrist of my injured hand. "Here. Since you were so nice." Warmth encircled my hand, and then he unwrapped the bandages, the hand was completely smooth and unharmed. "Ta-da!" He exclaimed quietly, smirking as I inspected my hand.

He took a step away and then turned around, "Oh Twelve?" I looked up. "Tell our sleeping beauty to look in the F section of the Archives."

Before he could vanish, I called out, "E?" He turned once more. "Stop using those stupid white rose petals when you leave, it takes forever to clean." He smiled, "Okay."

When he vanished this time; there was double the amount of rose petals than before.

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