Ch. 23 Awake.

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I was underwater, but I wasn't dead. My eyes were open but I wasn't floating upwards. The sunlight streamed in through the clear water, and everything above the water was blurry, broken. Looking around I saw my hair floating around me. Lifting my head slightly, I noticed my whole body looked like it was relaxed. My legs drifted aimlessly, and my clothes were being caressed by the gentle waves.

It was nice here, I liked it. Everything was still, there were no demons. Suddenly I felt a disturbance in the waves, looking up, I twisted my body, there was a small wooden boat, and a boy leaned over the side. His face was pale but youthful, his eyes were yellow and his hair was black. His lips formed words and I was able to hear.


Memories shot into my mind. I went to say his name, Angel. But when my lips opened I inhaled the water around me. My body convulsed as the water turned bitter, and was forcing its way down my throat. Angel threw his arms in the water but there was nothing he could do. The water was in my lungs. Odd for my last moments it felt like I was burning inside.

My eyes snapped open and I gasped for air. My clothes, hair and skin were damp. Two warm hands planted themselves on my shoulders, steadying me and my vision came into focus. I was at the infirmary. Jessica was there, Angel was too. His eyes were dark blue as he held me up.

"What happened?" I asked, Jessica sighed, "Raven dumped a pitcher of ice cold water on you, well technically a trip-wire did, but we all know who set that up. Instead of just getting startled; you completely collapsed. It's been a few hours, the nurse called your mom but she couldn't come get you at the time. She'll be here any minute now." Jessica explained. I looked at Angel, "How are you two here?" I asked, Jessica smiled, "Well I'm the nurse's aide, Angel here has a headache," she made air-quotes at the word headache, "so yeah." Before anything else could happen, the nurse called Jessica's name, she gave me a sly wink before walking off.

"Are you okay?" Angel asked, inspecting me. I nodded, not wanting to talk about my weird dream. He hugged me and I was surrounded by his warmth. "You'll get yourself damp." I muttered, patting his back. I heard a sigh. "You think I really care about getting my clothes wet right now?" He asked, leaning back and running his fingers through his hair. For one moment, there was no hair covering his face, and I wished that moment had been accompanied by a smile. Instead it was with dark eyes and a slight frown.

"Angel," I said, he looked at me questioningly. I motioned for him to lean in, and he obliged. It kind of looked like he was going to fall off the stool he was sitting at as he leaned toward me. I smiled, and brushed his hair from his face, His eyes widened slightly in surprise. "Don't worry about me, I'm fine. I promise." I said softly, he looked at me, and then I leaned forward and planted a kiss on his forehead. His eyes widened, now they were a staggering milky blue with yellow streaks. His whole face was flushed and I smiled. "You shouldn't be afraid to show your face around me." I whispered, his face flushed a deeper red, and I leaned back just as Jessica came back in.

"Hey Twelve, can we talk for a minute?" She asked, I nodded, and gave Angel a reassuring smile. Getting up, I followed Jessica.

"So I have something to tell you," Jessica stated in a quiet voice, "Yes?" I asked, "Your mother is here, but I signed you out of the infirmary a few minutes ago, Raven's outside on the walkway, where there are no cameras and I can make sure there's no one there." She explained. Surprise raced through me, "What are you saying?" I asked, "This girl has bullied you needlessly for years, I'm saying you have an alibi." Jessica answered in a dark tone. My eyes widened but I realized something. Raven has bullied me for years, tormented me, I've been fucking bitten by a snake, poisoned, abducted, almost killed, twice.

I'm done.

I gave Jessica a firm nod, and we walked together.

She let me outside alone and Raven was leaning against a pole, on her phone. "Raven," I stated, my voice didn't quiver, my whole body was relaxed but poised. Ready. She looked up with a smile, "Need something sweetheart? I gave you a bath but water doesn't cure ugly. Sadly." Anger coursed through me. "No I needed to tell you something." It was like someone walked into my body that wasn't me. Someone strong, someone confident.

"Don't trip." She smirked as I walked towards her. I wasn't going to. "I won't." I responded easily and finally I was in front of her. She took a step forward. Raven was an inch taller than me, an inch she used to her advantage.

Not anymore.

"Need someth-"

I cut her off, but not with my voice. My fist. It collided with her jaw, and I heard an accompanying thud and cry of pain from Raven. Honestly, I didn't know how strong I was until Raven was cowering on the ground with a bloody nose. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" She demanded, going to get up. "No, you won't stand, not in front of me." My voice was oddly regal. She looked up at me in surprise. "Get on your knees." I ordered, "No." Raven snapped. I took a menacing step towards her and she obeyed my command. Gazing down at her I said, "Try to hit me, torment me, or get me to join your fucking stupid team again and you will get more than a bloody nose. Test me, and I will not fail to punish you for your actions." I stated, it was an out of body experience. Suddenly a name hummed through me.

My name is Tarasynoria, that thought made my demeanor completely switch. I was no longer Twelve. At least not for the moment. Raven gasped and inclined her head in a bow. "Leader." She said, "Now you know your place. Regardless of if I'm Awake or not, I am your Leader, you will follow me, not disrespect me. I punish Demons, choose that half of your demeanor and you will be spared no mercy. I will execute you where you stand and the cement will be watered with your blood." My voice was fluid, calm. Raven nodded, "This never happened." I added, she nodded once more and I re-entered the building, and gazed at Jessica.

Who also inclined her head. "You've been faithfully loyal and a friend to me Gylledha. You will be rewarded once the prophecy has been fulfilled."

Calmly, I exited the building and got into my mother's car. That's when I fell back asleep.


Sorry for the late update again Saturday. I was celebrating Halloween. Thank you lovelies for following and supporting my book!


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