Ch. 39 Dimming Your Shine.

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When I woke up, Angel was holding me. His face was painted in concern, I stared at him for a few seconds before the situation ran through my head. Surprisingly my first emotion was anger, I can't believe I let E effect me that much. Angel lifted me to a sitting position. "When you didn't come back for an hour I got worried, are you okay?" He asked, I stared at him. Jessica and E's words rang through my head. I had to stop talking to Angel, push him away. But as his yellow eyes bore into mine, I knew such a thing was impossible. Instead I felt the tears falling and I just shook my head. "What's wrong?" He pulled me into a worried hug. Numbly my gaze slid around and landed on Nix's black journal.

"E is one of the fey." I whispered. Angel stiffened, and pulled back. "Are you sure?" He asked, his voice dripping with distaste. Nodding, I dragged my gaze to meet his. "I'm sure." I answered. Angel sighed, "Damn, I should have guessed." He sat cross legged in front of me. His choppy black bangs flopped over one of his eyes, he needed a hair cut. The parts of his hair that were cropped to be thinner were getting thicker with hair, and his fashionable mop of black hair was constantly curling over one of his eyes. "What's wrong with the fey?" I asked, tucking back some of my hair. Angel sighed, "They're in it for themselves. The fey actually feeling something towards something else is rare. Especially if they're in the seelie court. They do things because they think they'll get something out of it. And when they want something they will manipulate people. But they're some of the most powerful beings in existence. They're the ones who made prophecies, few people who aren't fey can clearly predict events. That's why everyone wants the Fey on their side. But eventually they fell into solitude morphing into more of a legend. I had no idea..." Angel trailed off. "We need to talk about this to the rest of the group. We'll need to think about if he's manipulating us."

Standing up, Angel turned to walk off, and when he did I swiftly scooped up Nix's journal. Following him, thoughts pervaded my mind. How could I stop caring about Angel? How can I ever shove him away? Does E really mean well? Getting to our small set up, Raven and Jessica turned to us. My hand was glued to my pocket, toying with the paper that had E's true name on it.

If you decide to be an idiot, here. It has my true name on it. Say it and no matter where I am I'll be summoned. 

Those words kept appearing in my mind as Angel fed the two girls information, and my fingers seemed unable to let go of the small slip of paper, turning it over and over. My eyes wandered to Jessica, and her gaze startled me. Not because it was sad or angry, no her gaze it was completely calm. Glazed over. Like she wasn't even in the same room with us. Slowly she looked at me as if sensing my stare. Her eyes kept their same odd tranquillity. Like she held all knowledge in the palm of her hand and nothing could surprise her. At the same time her stare was invasive, like she was ripping open the fabric of my being and peering at what was inside.

It was impossible to look away until she slid her peculiar gaze back to Angel. Next I met eyes with Raven, her deep velvet eyes were dark with unknown emotion. They always were. Trying to read her expression was like trying to break a boulder by hitting it with a plastic spoon. Raven gave me a slight nod, like she was approving any decision I was about to make. The reassurance made me feel slightly better and my gaze went to Angel's profile. More than anything he looked tired. We all were, besides that he held himself tall.

After talking, everyone decided we had to start getting out of here tomorrow. Here we were just waiting to be attacked.

That night, as everyone fell asleep, I sat up. Looking around at the sleeping bodies on the floor of the Archives, I shuffled off, with surprisingly silent footsteps. Going deep into the Archives, I gripped the small leather journal, and sat underneath the orange glow of a torch. First I was going to read E's name. Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out the wrong paper. It was the attempted speech Angel tried to write. I hadn't really read it, but now, unravelling it. I let myself read it.

'Twelve I really like you. God that sucks. Look if you're reading this than you should know that I only tried to write 1 sentence, and it was the first one you saw. Im really bad at finding the right words for things. This is a note for you to reed. Because I dont know I thought it would be nice in case something happens youll have a little peece of me. It doesnt make sense but here goes nothing. From the moment you faceplantd trying to run from a tarantulla, I couldnt stop thinking about you. Theres something a spark I gues inside you. It warms your smile and keeps your pretty eyes shining. I love your spark and I love you. Lately Ive noticed you seem to making your spark shine less, and your getting colder. I just wanted to let you know even if it completely vanished Id still stay with you. Its going to sound impossible, but you shouldnt let what everyone says or let the prophecy get inside your head to much. Theres a million, um, choices, yeah thats the word. Theres a million choices that lead to same ending. Im sure youll make the right ones. I - believe, thats the right word, I believe that you can achieve the prophecy without uh... dimming your shine. Sorry if my grammer sucks, I made a D in english class. Anyway, I love you always.


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