Ch. 46 The Beginning.

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Turning my blade, I looked back up. With precision, Nix's arm snaked out, his arm and blade long. Barely leaping out of the way in time, I glared at him. Only one of us would make it out and he knew that. "You really are pathetic Twelve. Should've listened to the prophecy, love is for fools." Nix growled, but I ignored him. Angel's desperate cries still ringing in my ears.

Once more I barely dodged. "That might be so, but I think greed is too." I responded, this time deflecting his blade. "I think you're a heartless douche bag who takes because he has nothing to give. Who hates because he knows no one will love him. Demons feel fear. Don't tell me you aren't scared." My power was growing inside me as I forced Nix to go on the defensive.

"Let me guess, you got a little crush on your pathetic emo because he had pretty blue eyes and muscles? Then to top it off you sacrificed all of humanity to save one person. I may be vain but at least I don't hide behind stupid lies." Nix snapped, and he landed a blow. It didn't pierce the armor but it made pain explode into my ribs and I was sent flying. I let out a gasp of pain, and I realized this was as much of a mental battle as it was a physical one. Standing up, I ran at him. "You're built on desire and lies, at most you're just a bad reality TV show star you jerk!" I snapped, my blade clashing with his, I didn't stop, he could barely kept up with my flurry of attacks. "You're right, maybe I am just a bad reality TV show star, but people made me, and they keep building me up. Have you listened to your generation's music?" His blade connected with mine and an explosion of noise rang out as they collided. What would make a demon upset?

He knows he's a liar, he knows exactly what he's doing. As I got lost in my thoughts, he sliced outwards, and I dodged, but the tip of his blade grazed my cheek, and it burned like hell. Blood dripped from my thin wound and I stared at him. "Why do you think any of this is fun?" I asked, Nix laughed, growing in size. "If humanity is going to collapse on itself anyway, why not make it fun?" He slashed again, and I scrambled out of the way. Quite literally shrinking in size. "Your friends sacrificed themselves and this is the best you can do? This is pitiful. If only I was capable of feeling sympathy, maybe this wouldn't be so fun." He let out more roaring laughter, his huge blade swinging. To him I was no more than a mouse scittering away in fear.

Maybe I was never ready for this prophecy, maybe they should've picked another girl. Nix was right, I sacrificed everything for one guy, and this whole time I've been a burden to everyone. Raven got swallowed in hell's maw and I can't even stand up to a stupid demon. The side of his blade hit my back, and I was sent flying spread eagle. Finally I started slowing, and my body collided with the ground. My sword flying away, bruises forming all over me, I felt my jaw snap out of place, and blood dripped from my lips. Shakily lifting myself, I extended my arm, my blade glowed in response but didn't move. If I didn't believe in myself how would my powers work? Looking over, Nix was as tall as a giant, with a hand gesture gruesome creatures started crawling out of the earth and suddenly we were in an area that was just grey. No walls or ceiling, like a box with no discernible sides, everything was just grey. The hideous mangled creatures, were distorted, twisted humans. Their nails were broken off, chipped, like they'd been clawing to find a way out for a while. It was a sickening sight.

Fear pulsed through me. Ignoring the pain in my face, I stared at Nix hopelessly.

I failed everyone.

Suddenly, I saw someone in the horde, Raven. She wasn't mangled or distorted, just covered in filth, but we made eye contact and my body started trembling. But this time not with fear. Grabbing my jaw, I harshly snapped it into place, spitting out blood. "You're wrong! You always were!" I shouted, extending my arm. The blade flew into my grasp. "You were wrong when you thought you could manipulate me, you were wrong when you thought you had the upper hand, and you're wrong now."  I screamed in anger, Nix raised a brow. "Doubt it sweetheart."

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