Ch. 15 Into Nightmares.

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Waking up, it was Monday. Blinking, I was tired.

Yawning, I slid out of my bed, and raked a comb through my hair. Sliding on a black sweater, jeans, and backpack, I lazily slunk downstairs. Mom was already gone. Throwing on a fluffy velvet scarf, and putting on my boots, I stepped out in the snowy morning. Pulling the scarf up over my lips, I started walking down the street. The noise of the snow crunching underneath my boots oddly soothed me. I'd told Angel about everything with E. He hadn't responded well, his anger was evident. E's words continued to run through my head. Don't talk to strangers.

The wind combed my hair back as I trudged onward. Folding my arms, I attempted to warm my hands, and was thankful when I was enshrouded in the warmth of the school's heating system. Tugging my scarf down beneath my chin, I walked to class.

Angel was already there when I stepped in. He didn't notice me as he stared out of the window. Seemingly lost in thought. Instead of interrupting, I walked up, he only noticed when I dropped my bag down. When he turned, I noticed he was wearing the scarf I gave him. Happiness flooded through me, and he let out one of his world-stopping beautiful smiles. He didn't have to say good morning, his beautiful expression said it all.

Sitting down, a comforting silence enveloped us as we just enjoyed each others company.

Class soon started, and I kept glancing at Angel when he wasn't looking. My mind wouldn't stop thinking about him. Could this be the beginning of a...

Before my thoughts could continue the bell let out a shrill scream, and the teacher stood up. Everyone was seated. The teacher stood up and smiled. "We have a new student today." On cue a boy walked in. His skin was abnormally pale, I could see some dark blue veins lining his skin. As he faced us, with his dark, enticing eyes scanning the room, I noticed his plush but slightly thin lips, his muscular but lightweight build, and his dark brown hair. Something about him seemed prime and ready to attack. Poise, constantly, as if he was prepared to run out of no where. It was unsettling.

Finally his radar like gaze landed on mine. He kept unnervingly steady eye contact, and I felt a shiver of unease raise through me, and I tugged my sleeves down. His gaze was penetrating, like he was looking into the deep depths of my mind. The teacher was talking but what she was saying was tuned out as his petrifying gaze kept me completely immersed. He was scarily handsome, with sharp, cold, cruel features.

Suddenly, his eyes flicked to Angel and back to me. I heard girls muttering about him. E's warning rang through my head, don't talk to strangers. He was dismissed to sit down and abruptly walked down the aisles of desks all the way to the back. Every step he took made my heart beat faster. Angel and I exchanged a look, his gaze was a nearly black, dark blue. Which indicated my feeling of unease was right.

"Do you know where this class is?" A deep, smooth voice interjected before Angel and I's silent conversation could continue. Looking over, he was holding a schedule. Don't talk to strangers, that kept my mouth shut. E might be really suspicious but I felt like I should listen. So I just shook my head and continued looking forward.

After class, Angel didn't leave my side. "I'll walk you to your next class." Something about him was colder and more territorial. It was also unsettling, suddenly he reached forward, resting his hand behind my neck, he pulled me towards him with surprising strength and into his chest. Like a hug sort of. I felt how tense he was. My face was burrowed in his jacket and warmth. Still I moved my face, Angel was completely staring down the new guy. For once Angel's gaze was completely cold, his whole body stance and expression seemed to say, back off. Twisting as much as I could the unknown guy had the same look. His eyes met mine and Angel pulled me closer. Angel's eyes were not even dark blue at this point, they actually were black.

The guy abruptly left, but Angel didn't un-tense. "Don't ever leave yourself alone with that guy." Angel said, his voice was dark. If that guy was horrible enough to get Angel on edge, I wasn't going to try to talk to him.

"What's wrong?" I asked, Angel walked me down the hallway and his face was dark, brooding, and he kept himself really close, his whole body was tense like he could pounce at any moment. "Twelve, that guy didn't have a heartbeat." Was all he muttered before we reached my next class. "I'll be here." Angel stated before slinking off as I stepped into the classroom.

Angel managed to walk me to and from every class. I could tell he was really concerned.

Too bad his efforts would be in vain.

As I exited the school building, my heart was beating fast. Angel wasn't by me, and I felt like I could get jumped at any moment. Somehow managing to calming myself, I heard my name shouted by an unfamiliar voice. "Twelve!"

Turning I saw E. He seemed rushed for once. My feet were frozen to the ground. Why was he here? Why is he shouting my name? I noticed Angel racing towards me too, suddenly a thought occurred; run. I started but someone yanked my wrist back harshly. Pain stemmed from my arm as I was thrown back, and suddenly a cloth was shoved in my face. I inhaled before I could think and the world went black.


Hey guys, if I get to 300 followers I'll write a special chapter from Angel's perspective!


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