Ch. 44 A Little Three Letter Word That Starts With A K.

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When I woke up, I saw my sword. It was beside me, like a companion. Despite the dreariness that laced through my limbs, I raced out of the cave. There was a wooden door, and it led to the forest. All of me knew it shouldn't be possible, considering the cave was underground but I know nothing of Fey magic so I just let it be. The door vanished as I stepped into the early morning. Ignoring my hunger, I raced through the woods. With fluid footsteps, that carried urgency. Angel was in danger.

So instead of focusing on the twist of events, instead of paying attention to the fact E was my father, and he did everything to keep me safe, I kept running. Praying the sinking feeling in my chest would vanish. Possible scenarios raced through my head, but the one that hurt the most was the possibility Nix had Angel under his control. That thought only made me run faster. I had to save him, I had to save Angel. The prophecy would definitely not be completed if he died. I'd never be able to face another day knowing we started this quest with four and ended with one.

Feeling an odd sensation, I saw my mark was glowing. Reaching the top of a hill and looking forward, I saw an impressively large demon army. "Look weird power inside me, if you could cooperate that would be great." I muttered, in response my sword started glowing, seamlessly made it's blade longer. Feeling power thrum through my hands, I smirked. "Yes." I inhaled, absorbing my power and taking a step forward.

My foot hit my ankle and I completely face planted.

Scrambling up, I frowned. "Good job Twelve, great job. You're such a bad ass." I muttered to myself. Shaking off my feet, "Okay, now walk like you're sane." I added to myself. Taking another step forward, and once more tripping over a rock. Except this time, I fell down the slope of the gently curved hill I stood on. Seems my nervous habit of tripping stuck around. Great, the harbinger of the prophecy after weeks of training, still stumbles around like an idiot, good job Twelve. I thought as I tried to dodge my own blade. Finally I hit the bottom with a thud, surprising the two demons at the bottom.

Hurrying to my feet, I looked at them. They exchanged a glance, as if unsure whether or not I was a threat. This is the part where you say something threatening Twelve, "Um, prepare to meet your doom?" It wasn't supposed to be a question, but it came out that way. One of them laughed, and I cursed. "Just die already," I complained, without thinking I impaled him, my glowing blade making him exploded into ebony cinders. The other one stared at me in horror, "That's right, this idiot can kill something." I stated, before slicing down the other one. However, during the altercation I grabbed the attention of the massive demon army.

They started charging at me and I extended my arm, my veins glowing white. The one in the front froze in confusion, and I just went with it. Not knowing what would happen. "Prepare to meet your doom, demon scum." A small white crystal formed, hovering in the air. It shot off, so quickly it was only a blur, it cut through the first demon, that slumped to his knees and promptly died, then vanished somewhere. One of the demons gave me a look that said, 'Seriously?'

Okay, say something cooler besides prepare to meet your doom you idiot. That does not sound cool. I chided myself, and then suddenly a loud explosion of light ripped through the horde of demons, dissipating them on the spot. "Guess the dart worked." I muttered, looking at the field covered with demon ashes. Trotting through caused clouds of their ashes to billow up at my feet. Suddenly, a loud noise made me turn.

A dragon sauntered into the clearing. Dragon? Well sort-of dragon. From the waist down it had the body of a fiercely muscular serpent, about four short legs. The scales were a dark rustic green and were sharply edged. From the torso up, it was a hideous girl. Well not hideous, more like horrifying. The pale skin of the girl's torso was twisted and knotted with old but still throbbing scars, that had small openings that oozed a disgusting green liquid, a tangled mass of dark brown hair fell to the belly button of the girl, thank fully covering her chest, her face had tears in it that revealed scales, and her eyes were a bright neon yellow, with slits for pupils, so thin it was hard to see she had pupils. Her arms were human until the fingers, the skin before the fingers cracked open, oozing that same green liquid that dripped down dangerously sharp claws. "Drakaina." I whispered, not sure what is meant, but trusting my instincts. The drakaina moved ferociously fast, and I barely dodged, but the tip of a claw scraped my side.

The blinding pain made me stagger, sweat dripping from my forehead. Turning, the drakaina didn't hesitate to attack me again while I stumbled around, she was merciless. Once more I barely dodged, this time not getting scratched. Looking down at my wound, the flesh around it was an agitated pink color. Hefting my sword, it shifted once more, turning into a sharp cylinder that said one thing, impale. For some reason I knew it had to be through the drakaina's heart. Lashing out as she charged, I sliced open a cut on her neck, and the liquid oozed out. Great, this thing bleeds poison. The drakaina let out a guttural scream, even her spit is poison.

Looking down at my wound, blisters were painfully forming. Looking at her, I knew I'd have to wait. Wait for an opening, and not move. If I moved the drakaina would move too, she was smart, and faster than me. I'd have to sacrifice being scratched. "Aren't you only supposed to be killed by demigods or something?" I asked, the drakaina's serpent tongue flicked around her lips, and she let out another scream, fire exploding from her mouthing. "Great! GREAT! YOU EVEN BREATHE FIRE!" I complained, the drakaina rushed at me again. And I stood still. At last just as her claws raked my side, I slammed my blade through her chest. It harshly ripped through her, as it made contact with her skin, it grew in size, and sliced her completely in half. But the damage was done. My blade shrank as I screamed in raw agony, my attempt to hold my bleeding side only burned my hands.

Falling to my knees, I felt myself gasping in pain.

My yells of pain didn't go unnoticed. Willing my blade to shrink, it changed into the smallest dagger I'd ever seen and I hid it in my bra as two demons approached. They lifted me, the motion making me yell in pain even more, my feet dragging on the ground as they carried me to the main building.

Finally we reached the inside of the building, and Nix was waiting. With an infuriating grin, "Sorry dearest, didn't want to let my little drakaina hurt you, but you forced my hand." Instead of responding, I glowered at him. Sweat dripping from my chin. Suddenly an idea appeared in my mind. I didn't like it, but I had to. "What have you done to me?" I asked, my voice breathy from genuine pain. Letting my head loll, I feigned heavy breathing. "I'm weakening." Nix chuckled, "An upside to my little friend." He walked towards me, and I let my body go completely limp.

"Tarasynoria," Nix whispered, his voice held power I'd never felt before, and in my weak state, my mind was completely attacked. "Nix," I whispered, my voice trembling in want. "Look at me," I obeyed unthinkingly, looking straight into my eyes. "My love." I whispered, he smiled at me. "Are you willing to behave now?" He asked, brushing my hair behind my ear. My heart shuddered at his touch, and I wanted more. So I nodded eagerly, "Let me stand, let me be near you." My voice held desire, and he waved the guards off, steadying me as I stood in front of him. "I've never met anyone more beautiful." I stated, looking into his eyes. Suddenly a familiar name appeared in my mind, Angel.

A tugging feeling in my chest brought me into reality as I was leaning in for a kiss from Nix. "You know what I want to do?" I feigned flirting, he smirked, "What?" He asked, I let my hand slide to my chest, using the other to stroke his face in order to distract him. Pulling out the small dagger I smiled, "It has three letters and it starts with a k." He smiled, leaning in.



At that my blade morphed and I impaled him.

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