Ch. 29 I Will Always Be With You.

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The sand burned, the sun was too hot. Looking around I saw nothing but water and sand. When did I get to the beach, why is it deserted? What was the last thing I remembered? The memories escaped my grasp and I started walking to the water in an attempt to cool off my feet. Where was Angel? Worried, I stepped into the shallow water. It worked in cooling me off, and I once again looked around.


Turning around I saw Nix. Horror raced through every vein in my body. He's the demon who wanted to impregnate me so that I could conceive an infinitely powerful demon child that would destroy the world. That is beyond creepy. "What are you doing here?" I demanded, he smirked. "A pathetic girl trying to pretend she has control of the situation? Typical." Nix responded, walking towards me. My heart was beating fast, and despite my hatred of Nix, there was always an underlying attraction I had towards him. Perhaps it's because he's a desire demon. Nix smiled, "Admit it to yourself Twelve, it's difficult for you to resist me. I'm everything you want." An eerily beautiful smile planted itself upon his lips. I stared at him, where am I?

Looking down I realized I was only in a bikini. Despite the fact I always had a naturally slender body, I still felt exposed in it. Looking back up, Nix was close. "I will never admit that anyone. Especially you." I hissed, Nix's smile didn't fade. "You don't have to admit it to me Twelve," He was close and his eyes were turning a shade of purple, and it seemed impossible to look away. "It's implied, no one can deny me, not for long." He was only and inch away. His hand slid down the side of my face and to my collarbone, he leaned in and his smell was intoxicating. Hypnotizing. His other arm slithered around my waist, pulling me close.

Everything about him was hypnotizing. I couldn't look away, I couldn't run, because I didn't want to. I wanted him. He smiled wider, he knew he was winning the battle. "Don't deny yourself the pleasure Twelve," He whispered, his lips brushed lightly against my ear, and that's when I remembered. Angel is in danger, those weird demon things got him, I was thrown in the lake. My feet sank deeper into the sand, and I realized something else.

I wasn't awake.

"This is my mind Nix, not your's." I shoved him away, using his temporary surprise, and I dove into the water. Praying my plan would work. Suddenly instead of hitting sand I fell into a forest, and I was in my normal clothes. The air flew from my lungs as I collided with the ground, panting I quickly scrambled up. Coughing, and cupping my throat.

"You think that you can run from me Twelve?" Nix's voice boomed all across the forest and I looked around in panic. "Not only does your scent and heartbeat give you away, I'm in your mind, I'm in control." His voice continued, and I panicked before stopping myself. The basis of a demon is fear... That's it!

"You may have scared me by showing yourself through my reflection, but you're nothing but a demon! You might have gotten in my mind using fear, but that won't be the reason you control it!" I yelled back, knowing he would hear me. "The thing about fear is that it can always be conquered!" I added, trying to focus my mind on waking up.

"Don't lie Tarasynoria, you're whole life you've been hidden. You don't know about the prophecy you're apart of, you don't even know your own father." Nix said calmly, "You're pathetic, clumsy, weak. And you've been shown that time and time again, not only by Raven but also Angel." He continued, the last part is what made me freeze. "Who had to rescue you every time your ignorance showed? Him. Who has to make sure you haven't gotten yourself killed by demons every night? Him." Quickly I tried to recover but it was like getting sliced open with a knife and covering it with your hand. The blood still leaks through. "You're so stupid a complete stranger had to rescue you. You're just a burden, and you know it." Despite myself I felt a tear fall from my eye.

Then he was there, and a sick smile dominated his face. "Look here you are, hiding in the woods of your mind, pretending that I can't find you. Weak, pathetic." He walked towards me and I backed away. "You say you aren't scared of me and you're lying, but you lie to yourself a lot don't you?" Out of no where a tree appeared behind me and my back slammed into it. "You can't win against me, you don't even know your real name." I stared back at him. "You're dead, E killed you." I stated, he gripped my throat, shoving me against the tree. "You must be more stupid than I thought, thinking a demon can truly die." He pressed harder, and it was difficult to breathe. "I am made from the sexual desires of mankind, from the greed, the hate, the hunger, the fear. You think I can die? You think the bad things go away just because you stabbed the scary demon?" With each word his grip got tighter.

"I am infinite, everlasting."

I couldn't breathe.

"My physical body might be gone but I will always be with you Tarasynoria, because even though you'd probably like to think you're heroic, and perfect, you're just as greedy and pathetic as everyone else."

I stared down at him.

He was right.

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